Bronze Member
Mid-sized wheeled garbage the ones rolled to curb on pick-up day. Been using one from HD for years and will hold a day's supply for my Woodstock Fireview. Keeps the bugs/ debris at bay too (with lid closed)
Get a large dog.
Use a fake ceramic log with natural gas or propane for fuel.
Get a large TV and show fireplace movies.
Leave a door-wall open and use a large catapult to toss the sticks into the fireplace.
Hire a teenager to bring in the wood. Reward with the latest drug craze (Tide Pods ?)
Use a wood delivery service and have them load it.
Have a helicopter service drop the wood down the chimney and then burn it in place.
Tell your spouse it's HER turn.
Switch to pellets and bring in a pocket full at a time.
Go for a solar or windmill powered fireplace.
Grow the trees indoors and chop them up as needed (log cabin sounds ideal).
Buy Essential Oils Burned Cork Parfume' and spread it around.
Just use those diesel impregnated sawdust logs and enjoy the moment when your new house burns down.
Move South.
Hey, you only live once...why not an underground/under slab tunnel with a conveyor system from wood storage facility to indoor (maybe hidden) "wood closet" at each fireplace location...where the conveyor lifts each split to nominal height (no bending over) be moved directly to the fire...I am building a new house, and I'd like to have at least one if not more wood burning fireplaces in the house. And, if possible... I'd like to design something which not only gives me a good location for storing wood but also the easiest/cleanest way in which to get the wood into the house.
Nice setup!
No mess in the house.