Girandoni Air Rifle

   / Girandoni Air Rifle #1  


Super Star Member
Sep 6, 2003
Power-Trac 1445, KUBOTA B-9200HST
Just when you thought you knew everything.

.44 cal air gun

Girandoni air rifle as used by Lewis and Clark. A National Firearms Museum Treasure Gun. - YouTube

Q: Does the ATF regulate the sale and possession of air guns? Is an air gun classified as a 吐irearm under Federal law?
The term 吐irearm is defined in the Gun Control Act of 1968, 18 U.S.C. Section 921(a)(3), to include (A) any weapon (including a starter gun), which will, or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (B) the frame or receiver of any such weapon? Based on Section 921(a)(3), air guns, because they use compressed air and not an explosive to expel a projectile, do not constitute firearms under Federal law unless they are manufactured with the frames or receivers of an actual firearm. Accordingly, the domestic sale and possession of air guns is normally unregulated under the Federal firearms laws enforced by ATF.
We caution that ATF is not charged with enforcement or oversight of the firearms laws of States or localities. To determine possible restrictions on air guns where you reside, we recommend that you contact the office of your state Attorney General, the State Police, or other State/local law enforcement authorities for further guidance.
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   / Girandoni Air Rifle #2  
Pretty awesome. Never knew they existed but sure wish I had one.
   / Girandoni Air Rifle #3  
When I bought a PCP air rifle I tried to do some research about the air rifle being used by Lewis and Clark. It was very interesting. What I could never find out was "how did they pump it up enough to make it functional and practical?"
   / Girandoni Air Rifle #5  
When I bought a PCP air rifle I tried to do some research about the air rifle being used by Lewis and Clark. It was very interesting. What I could never find out was "how did they pump it up enough to make it functional and practical?"

Lewis and Clark had to Pump it by hand with what amounts to a bicycle pump. This took a long time. That was standard issue with this rifle, but the Austrian army (which used these rifles at one point as standard issue) had wagons that were deployed behind the lines that had multiple buttstock (also the air storage reservoir) to easily change them out during the battle and also had large pumps on this wagon to refill the reservoir's quickly.

James K0UA
   / Girandoni Air Rifle #6  
How high did they get the pressures? What did they use for seals to hold the high pressure air once pressurized? Leather? Oakum? My modern day, relatively low pressure air compressor leaks down with just minute leaks. Thanks for the interesting info.
   / Girandoni Air Rifle #7  
   / Girandoni Air Rifle #8  
Very interesting, thanks for posting, I had read they had an air rifle, but I just couldn't picture it. It seems like I remember seeing an old one in one of my books with the reservoir in a tank under the forearm.

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