Global Warming?

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   / Global Warming? #1,711  
Richard Muller, a known skeptic has changed his mind, say the headlines, and in truth he sort of did but here is overall statement and here is the overblown headline and article.

About-face: Former climate change skeptic now says global warming is man-made
About-face: Former climate change skeptic now says global warming is man-made | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Here is his actual synopsis:
"I'm personally very worried," he says of global warming. Muller says that so far the warming has been "tiny," but that everything points to the process speeding up. "I personally suspect that it will be bad."

Now that shows a man firm in his convictions! :laughing:

But even for those liberal greenies that will glom onto this report take note, he says that local events such as the drought and heat wave have nothing, repeat nothing to do with the "tiny" global warming.;)
   / Global Warming? #1,712  
What I can't hear ya?

Ignore is a great fuction as all your replies are simply stated as:
"This message is hidden because toppop52 is on your ignore list"

Pretty cool for a liberal lefty..heh!
   / Global Warming? #1,713  
   / Global Warming? #1,714  
What I find amazing is that the AGW crowd is quick to tell you "anecdotal evidence" is unusable when arguing against AGW but as soon as the temperature rises (like, when summer hits) they immediately use anecdotal evidence as if it's proof of something.

Take the latest drought -- not as bad as 24 years ago, or 50 or 80 but they'll use it as if it were. Meanwhile, the Northwest has been very cool, unseasonably so for a few years now and this spring has been long and cold (still quite cool actually) but that doesn't count or is somehow caused by warming.

Frankly, to me, the AGW folks are nothing more then "useful idiots" to quote Lenin.
   / Global Warming? #1,715  
I posted this in another thread.
So much for the "cool" spots around the earth and new cool records set- they are not enough to offset the heating of global warming.

The combined land and ocean average temperature was 1.53ーF above average.
"What makes this impressive is that it is not following an El Nino year. We're coming off of La Nina, which typically has a cooling effect," said AccuWeather Expert Senior Meteorologist Brett Anderson.

This May was also the second warmest May globally since 1880, surpassed only by May 2010.
The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature was 1.19ーF above the 20th century average of 58.6ーF.

Patterns currently suggest that an El Nino year could be approaching, which typically has a warming effect.
"As we progress into El Nino, I would expect the temperature anomalies to generally increase," Anderson said. "I would not be surprised at all if 2013 ends up being the warmest year on record globally."
590x456_06151854_may-2012.jpg has some good info re global warming in their meterologist blogs.
   / Global Warming? #1,716  
Ex-sceptic says humans to blame for global warming - environment - 31 July 2012 - New Scientist
Ex-sceptic says humans to blame for global warming

It's a road-to-Damascus moment. Long-standing climate sceptic Richard Muller, a physicist at the University of California at Berkeley, now says there is strong evidence that humans are indeed warming the planet.

His results are under attack from all sides. Climate sceptics slate him for his apparent betrayal, while mainstream climate scientists say his results are based on outdated methods.

Muller is a director of Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST). Made up of avowed climate sceptics, BEST aims to determine whether the many criticisms of temperature records are valid. (recrited by Koch brothers to refute global warming)

Last year, BEST released a vast database of temperature readings going back to 1800, which confirmed that Earth has indeed warmedMovie Camera. In a new paper posted online, Muller says the warming is best explained by humanity's release of greenhouse gases.

Muller's team found they could account for the temperature changes with just two factors: the cooling effects of large volcanic eruptions, and changes in levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Climate sceptic bloggers have attacked the analysis, complaining that the correlation between CO2 and temperature doesn't prove a causal relationship.

Climate scientists are equally unimpressed, and for the same reason. "It's not attribution," says Phil Jones of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK. Since the 1990s, climate researchers have been running climate models with and without rising levels of CO2 and have found that the observed warming can only be replicated if the human influence is included.

However, Michael Mann of Penn State University says it at least demonstrates intellectual honesty. Writing on his Facebook page, Mann says: "I applaud Muller and his colleagues for acting as any good scientists would, following where their analyses led them."
   / Global Warming? #1,717  
Ex-sceptic says humans to blame for global warming - environment - 31 July 2012 - New Scientist
Ex-sceptic says humans to blame for global warming

It's a road-to-Damascus moment. Long-standing climate sceptic Richard Muller, a physicist at the University of California at Berkeley, now says there is strong evidence that humans are indeed warming the planet.

His results are under attack from all sides. Climate sceptics slate him for his apparent betrayal, while mainstream climate scientists say his results are based on outdated methods.

Muller is a director of Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST). Made up of avowed climate sceptics, BEST aims to determine whether the many criticisms of temperature records are valid. (recrited by Koch brothers to refute global warming)

Last year, BEST released a vast database of temperature readings going back to 1800, which confirmed that Earth has indeed warmedMovie Camera. In a new paper posted online, Muller says the warming is best explained by humanity's release of greenhouse gases.

Muller's team found they could account for the temperature changes with just two factors: the cooling effects of large volcanic eruptions, and changes in levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Climate sceptic bloggers have attacked the analysis, complaining that the correlation between CO2 and temperature doesn't prove a causal relationship.

Climate scientists are equally unimpressed, and for the same reason. "It's not attribution," says Phil Jones of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK. Since the 1990s, climate researchers have been running climate models with and without rising levels of CO2 and have found that the observed warming can only be replicated if the human influence is included.

However, Michael Mann of Penn State University says it at least demonstrates intellectual honesty. Writing on his Facebook page, Mann says: "I applaud Muller and his colleagues for acting as any good scientists would, following where their analyses led them."

You're late to the party, posted that earlier, along with the fact that he says the effects of warming so far are quote "tiny", end quote.
   / Global Warming? #1,718  
What I find amazing is that the AGW crowd is quick to tell you "anecdotal evidence" is unusable when arguing against AGW but as soon as the temperature rises (like, when summer hits) they immediately use anecdotal evidence as if it's proof of something.

Take the latest drought -- not as bad as 24 years ago, or 50 or 80 but they'll use it as if it were. Meanwhile, the Northwest has been very cool, unseasonably so for a few years now and this spring has been long and cold (still quite cool actually) but that doesn't count or is somehow caused by warming.

Frankly, to me, the AGW folks are nothing more then "useful idiots" to quote Lenin.

Something that caught my attention about the present drought and what is happening to the corn crop is the reporting about it. Most of the stories play up the record heat but don't say as much about the lack of rainfall as if the heat is doing most of the damage. I know lack of rainfall can kill corn, but if it was raining enough (say evening thunderstorms and showers) just how high temps could the corn stand before it started to fail? Any corn growers out there that could answer this?

BTW, I said most of the stories play up the heat, but in all fairness that's only the ones I have seen or read, and I did say "most" of them not all of them. The reports on RFD-TV seem pretty straight forward to me.
   / Global Warming? #1,719  
What I can't hear ya?

Ignore is a great fuction as all your replies are simply stated as:
"This message is hidden because toppop52 is on your ignore list"

Pretty cool for a liberal lefty..heh!

IMO..."liberal lefty" is an oxymoron...

personally, I think "ignoring" anyone's opinion is like sticking your head in the sand...regardless of how much you don't care for the content...nothing like a closed mind...

As for the most of the believers that think the current climate change is caused by human activity also believe that all the past climate changes were also caused by human activity?

There are many more fields of science (including medicine) that completely reverse previous conclusions based on the most current available data...

When it comes to the populous of the planet...just what do the man made "global warming advocates" (wingnuts) think anyone here in America can do about they really think they can change things in India or China ?
   / Global Warming? #1,720  
OH MY.......ONE MAN comes out of the closet and claims he changed his mind, and MILLION of sheeple pile on the 'SEE I TOLD YOU SO TRAIN".

Ya lest forget just as many real scientists deny GULLIBLE WARMING. Nah we don't believe them, we only believe who we want to believe.
Listen if all you greenies want to give free money to the government to buy Co2 credits - GO AHEAD, no one stopping you.

When will you people wake up and realize NO MATTER what the USA does no other Country will do the same. Just like we have the most restrictive pollution laws on the books, we currently are getting EXTREMELY TOXIC water from Mexico every single day and nothing we do will ever stop it.

Heck we are getting Radioactive garbage hitting out shores from Japan and there is no law that can prevent it.

So there is no way any government will get a dime out of my pocket while the entire world does as they wish as it related to carbon.

We currently pay for the highest pollution taxes and the rest of the world dumps toxins in the air as they wish 24/7
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