Gonna get me a stump grinder for my BCS

   / Gonna get me a stump grinder for my BCS #1  


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2008
Southwestern Wisconsin
BCS 850 diesel and 735 diesel
Hey all,

I just cut down a pair of 20" pine trees in my yard on Monday. Joel is now carrying a stump grinder. It's made by Caravaggi, the same maker of BCS's older BIO-100(now made by Del Morino), as well as the BIO-80, BIO-90, and BIO-150, so you know it's gonna be a quality attachment. Hopefully, about the first of March, I'll have a video of the stump grinder meeting these two stumps. Stay tuned!

   / Gonna get me a stump grinder for my BCS #2  
Looking forward to it. In the video already on YouTube it looks like Joel is struggling to turn the G110. I would like to see another video for sure.

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   / Gonna get me a stump grinder for my BCS
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Dunno why he'd pick just about the hardest stump possible to showcase the machine. I'm not saying he should have tried out a nearly completely rotted out b0xelder stump, but LOCUST??????
   / Gonna get me a stump grinder for my BCS #4  
Sounds good. It is always nice to have a reference for the CFO to see. :)
   / Gonna get me a stump grinder for my BCS #5  
Dunno why he'd pick just about the hardest stump possible to showcase the machine. I'm not saying he should have tried out a nearly completely rotted out b0xelder stump, but LOCUST??????

I was wondering the same thing. I used the new stump grinder on my 853 diesel and a smaller size Bradford Pear stump. It went right through it, no problem. The stump grinder is a very heavy implement. A bit awkward to store and put on the tractor, but so far I think its a pretty good implement. Especially if you compare price to a standalone stump grinder.
   / Gonna get me a stump grinder for my BCS #6  
Ricky, I thought the earthtools implement was expensive compared to a standalone air cooled gas walk behind stumpgrinder, or am I not comparing apples to apples?

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   / Gonna get me a stump grinder for my BCS #7  
Ricky, I thought the earthtools implement was expensive compared to a standalone air cooled gas walk behind stumpgrinder, or am I not comparing apples to apples?

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TimberXX, I have not priced many other "stand alone" units. But the bottom end DR stump grinder looks like it goes for $1499 on sale. Its only got a 208cc engine. I guess if you are including the price of the tractor as well, than you will be much higher priced with BCS or Grillo, however you can do about 30 other things with the BCS or Grillo compared to 1 on any typical stand alone stump grinder. I have owned a DR brush cutter in the past and they are of decent quality. Still, they don't compare to BCS or Grillo quality. I have owned and sold quit a few 20+ year old Caravaggi BIO 100s and they are sturdy and durable, just like the Caravaggi stump grinder. Of course since its a new implement we dont' have any 20+ year old stump grinders yet...
   / Gonna get me a stump grinder for my BCS #8  
Very true. I thought I saw the northern tool unit for $1000... It's actually $1700.

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   / Gonna get me a stump grinder for my BCS
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Finally got a chance to take the stump grinder out today. It is a VERY power hungry attachment! I have a KD440 diesel on my 850 and the stump grinder drug it right down to nothing if I took too big a bite. The stump was a two month cut pine stump roughly 20" across. I neglected to take a "before" picture, but I did take a 3 minute video while Eric ran the machine, and I took an "after" picture.

View attachment 420585
   / Gonna get me a stump grinder for my BCS #10  
Thanks for sharing. How do you like the diesel. Do you find you get diesel exhaust in your face? Or is the muffler far enough away?

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