Workers on Friday succeeded in installing a new steel pin connection on the closed New Hope-Lambertville Toll-Supported Bridge.
glad to see our steel bridge will be back in operation soon.
we have three steel bridges over the Delaware River locally.
one in Washington Crossing nearer to Ken, and it is so narrow I won't drive on it any more.
This one in New Hope is wider and no problem, but the one over the river just North of here in Stockton is the widest
of them all. Most have been knocked down by one flood or another.
shutting the bridge down entirely for two river towns that have always been connected is hurting business in both towns.
my friend who owns Heath's Service in Lambertville was complaining of the hit his business has taken. Most locals buy their gas either in Stockton or Lambertville, NJ gas always being a little cheaper. Plus NJ is truly odd in that their state law requires station to pump gas for you.
actually what is really interesting is they now call it a toll supported bridge, has always been free since beginning.
no free bridge any more...I wonder how they are going to do that. Must be cameras, people are too expensive.
and then in a dream...
the uniformed attendant with the nice Sinclair hat asks if he can check your tires after he cleans your windshield.
and then I woke up...