Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #201,982  
Good morning,
22° now highs around 40° cloudy with rain later today.
Winds S 10-15 mph gusts around 25 mph.

The usual Saturday morning dump run and just putter around the rest of the day.

Buppies, happy anniversary to you and the Mrs.

Enjoy your day everyone
Stay safe and healthy
Prayers for all
   / Good morning!!!! #201,983  
Coffee is cooling in cup. 33° with light rain this morning. Heading to 35° with mix of rain and snow in AM. Let Sassy out a few minutes ago. Everything is covered with a sheet of ice. Going to be a mess today. Made an meeting with a seller to buy a Quick Pin Attachment for my newer tractor. May not happen unless we get a quick melt of ice. Will do what is needed to make it thru today.
Hawk has been having a ruff time. Small birds keep leading it in to places it cannot fit. But it doesn't give up.

Everyone stay well and safe.

Good Morning All.
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   / Good morning!!!! #201,984  
Morning all!
28 going to 38 and rain starting around lunch time.

Dealer couldn't program the key but gave me a contact. Guy will do it for 50 bucks! Lot better than Honda that wants 200+!

Wife is already feeling better.

Still waiting on insurance for final payout amount! They are definitely in no rush to get things accomplished!!
This months contest on a turning site is something long and thin. Prototype is on the lathe. Don't think I will win as my arthritis doesn't give me the fine motor skills needed to get it thin without breaking!

Don't tell or show my wife!! This is the final project. Shhh!
Making the heart was a lot of carving and sanding. Used cherry for that and walnut for the finials. I broke the bottom finial 3 times trying to make it.

Not sure what will be done today. Need to sweep up the shop and put tools back. Working on another 2 projects too. One idea isn't panning out so good but will keep working on it.
Pretty much ready for Sundays storm. Haven't moved anything since the last one that we just shoveled by hand.
Happy anniversary Buppies!
Time for another coffee!
Hope everyone stays safe and healthy!
   / Good morning!!!! #201,985  
Amazing work Phil wife will really like that

33.8 this morning dew point and temperature almost equal precipitation very near.

Thanks for anniversary wishes all.

Up too early considering late night

Prayers for all silent or spoken our Country
   / Good morning!!!! #201,987  
good morning all
warmest day of the week and that's not saying much.
going to rain this afternoon and it will turn to snow tonight and tomorrow
going to pick up new to me car today and then if Popgadget is home,will stop by his home on way home
(I just keep coming North on 611)

Now for a month and a half I'll have two cars in driveway, need to figure this out.
am taking lunch to old friends tomorrow who are recovering at home from medical issues, and definitely going to drive
the volvo in the snow. I trust it and the tires I put on it vs the new car with three mismatched brand tires on it.
I never mind driving in the snow, except if I'm stuck behind someone doing 15 mph.
so few folks put real snowtires on around here anymore that when a good snow comes, those all season tires even on awd
cars struggle. My tires are snowflake rated, which at least means they have some grip in snow.
a set of Blizzaks or X-Ice tires would be marvelous, but overkill in an area that only gets three snowstorms a year now.

at one time I had an Audi with Blizzak snow tires on it. Unless it high centered or pushed snow, simply unstoppable.
I bet EV tires are the worst, designed for lowest rolling resistance and probably less grip.

Phil, that turning is wonderful, your wife will love it.
   / Good morning!!!! #201,988  
Balmy 30F might reach 40F rain shows starting around 2 ending around 6pm. :(

Outside chores done E muffin time.
Finally got the last 2 brush piles burnt yesterday afternoon :) decided to burn pile stumps :unsure: once the pile started to burn snapping cracking amber flying I made distance for cover. :eek:

Plans for today...4 hours at part store,attach snowplow to pickup for Sunday pm snowstorm,watch football quite evening.

Enjoy your day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #201,989  

glad to see our steel bridge will be back in operation soon.
we have three steel bridges over the Delaware River locally.
one in Washington Crossing nearer to Ken, and it is so narrow I won't drive on it any more.
This one in New Hope is wider and no problem, but the one over the river just North of here in Stockton is the widest
of them all. Most have been knocked down by one flood or another.

shutting the bridge down entirely for two river towns that have always been connected is hurting business in both towns.
my friend who owns Heath's Service in Lambertville was complaining of the hit his business has taken. Most locals buy their gas either in Stockton or Lambertville, NJ gas always being a little cheaper. Plus NJ is truly odd in that their state law requires station to pump gas for you.

actually what is really interesting is they now call it a toll supported bridge, has always been free since beginning.
no free bridge any more...I wonder how they are going to do that. Must be cameras, people are too expensive.

and then in a dream...
the uniformed attendant with the nice Sinclair hat asks if he can check your tires after he cleans your windshield.
and then I woke up...
   / Good morning!!!! #201,990  
good morning, 31 going to 44 feels like 44

Snow is on the way for Sunday and it is going to get colder starting Monday.
Plows are still on the RTV and tractor waiting to go to work

D has a cabin in Mount Jefferson, VA for the weekend together with a group of friends. Maybe the weather will cause some problems

Tractor & Equipment Auctions

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Future Skid Steer Roller (A41856)
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2011 BOMAG...
Loader Bucket (A41852)
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(10) 24' Free Standing Panels w/10' Gate (A39161)
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