Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #202,341  
Good evening all. 25ºF for the start, mostly clear sky, light breeze. Windy, brisk gusts, partly cloudy sky, and high temp was 56ºF. Made coffee to start day, made oatmeal for breakfast. Got toll tag deactivated that was on sold SUV. Split some rounds with new splitter, seems to have a lot better capability. Bike ride, trip to bike shop to drop off Peugeot for new brake cable and rear derailleur and 8 speed freewheel. Got Volagi back, will try out new shifter tomorrow. Got nap in.
David thanks for the compliment, glad no bent equipment at end of day. Hope you can get some grading done on the area.
NHBX glad you are getting tax docs gathered up and organized. Glad delivery items stores and packaging in with dump run collection. Hope day went well.
Ron glad shopping successful and not crowded. Good to hear progress on pin attachment. Glad you could help neighbors with stuck car. Hope good progress on pin attachment. Nice squirrel pic.
Phil glad you are happy with the settlement. Glad leak easy fix. Looking forward project pics, what you showed in your post is way cool.
Drew hope you warm up some. Glad you got shopping in. Hope your eyes didn't water too much from car bill.
Thomas good luck finding required tool.
Drew yes DeOxit good to have, surprised how far down bottle is with out spilling it :) My garage never gets much over 50 during most of the winter.
Billy we have had 2 weeks of 15ºF below normal temps, so I know what you mean about cold January. Interesting about all the planets visible and almost aligned. Glad tractor started and got more firewood to porch and rounds to splitter, and got Della out on hike.
Ron glad you had the big boy with muscle.
Billy saw that video on TV news. Thanks for cool pics.
Mike sorry about driveway hope upper 30's will help melt. looking forward to pic.
Dennis glad temps rose overnight, and geos keeping up. Hope you get started on taxes soon.
Frits glad driveway is mostly clear of ice/snow. Glad fire still going in stove and still enjoyed. Hope wife's day was better.
Happy(NC) glad you are warming up. Glad you got to test the wife's baking, one of my favorite jobs. Hope dog enjoys extra steps.
Frits glad mouse is working.
Bill glad you are keeping up with what you need to do.
Ken(tin) I think the Fort Worth show was last weekend, and it was cold then too. Glad you are warming up.
Scott(VT) hope you get everything done in Vermont.
Ken(tin) never had PB cookies with chocolate drops.
Happy(NC) glad your wife loves you and bakes for you.
Don glad your temps on the rise. They were here too. Hope mowing went well. Sorry about the second robot showing up, that's for when 1st replacement fails ;).
Ken sounds like your temps are moderating as well. Hope it was fun talking to old neighbor and coworker. Hope pick a project and made progress. Neat pic
Friend(trac) sorry about the no coffee thing. Hope the dog doesn't run off this weekend.
Ken(tin) I still have about windshield scrapers.
Dennis you will find out very soon what she will get into :)
Buppies hope your weather starts warming up. prayers sent.
Paul glad you everything done yesterday. Nice you still have the manual for the turntable you still have :) Sorry no music tonight.
Drew he is an imposter, I didn't get my first bike til I was 5 ;)
catch up later.
prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle /Daughter, /mom's breathing, /son's migraines, Bird /aging issues, Mike /BIL in FL, Ron /heart, David(moss) /remodel, /divorce, Buppies /cancer,parathyroid,blood sugar /wife, Thomas /gout, Phil /reflux, Frits /veteran son with mental issues, /granddaughter with Evans Syndrome, Ken /dad dementia, /chronic fatigue, Diet not working, Randy(wag) /sister stoke, Steppenwolfe /son-auto immune disorder, Grev /wife's eye, Ted /knee recovery, /retirement & disability red tape, /family issues, /wife back issues and cancer, Lou /eye issues, /heart issues, /wife hip replacement, Doug and wife/health issues, / hand nerve and surgery, /fall and recovery, / wife headaches and heart eval, / David(sadamo)/Sophie's hip or leg pain, /back issue, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, /marriage dissolving, / friend stop drinking, Dennis /retirement, /neighbor issues, /brother's lymphoma, /dad surgery recovery, Drew /back operation issues, /friend's wife cancer diagnosis and recovery, Scotty /back pain, Helogabals /wife's friend situation, Fatjay /father broken hip, Israel, Ukraine war, hurricane victims, and Country.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,342  
Long day measured job got to price Mrs having bad day continues now wants to go home does not live here cannot stand our home does not love me this time is bad and not getting better.

Sorry to complain until she gets help this will descend into chaos I fear.

Got up to 39 21 now may have a job to start next week gravel only but it’s work right. General manager got the job he is special.

May all have a good night
   / Good morning!!!! #202,343  
Good morning all,
-1° now highs in the mid/upper 20’s and mostly sunny today. Winds WSW 5-10 mph.

Usual Saturday morning dump run then just a “see what happens” kind of day.

Buppies praying for you and your Mrs.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,345  
Coffee is brewing. 13° with cloudy skies this morning. Heading to 32° with partly cloudy skies. Spent way to much time in shop yesterday. 5 hours is more that my body likes. Did use shop stool when I could. Did get one part of pin attachment done. Moving pacing of brackets out 3". Next changing location of top pin by .5" May not get at that today. Have not recovered from yesterday yet. Need a conserve energy day.

Everyone stay well and safe.

Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,350  
-3F partly cloudy sky low 20's for high.

Outside chores done E muffin time.
Plans for today...4 hours at part store afternoon not sure yet.

Enjoy your day all.


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