Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #202,411  
Good Afternoon,
Working out in the shop, looked out the window towards the house and we have quite a squall coming through! 😉


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   / Good morning!!!! #202,412  
Good Morning.
Day started at 20°, should reach upper 30’s. First day above freezing in at least a week.

Yesterday was a slow moving day, helped youngest son fit some metal thresholds, that involved drilling and countersinking them as well.
We set up a crude fixture in the Bridgeport to countersink them, taking advantage of a depth stop to make them consistent.
Worked on the heat loss calculations for my buddy, dealt with a burst frozen pipe at a neighbors, went for short visit with oldest son and family, and then home dinner and a movie in front of the fire.
Son took grandson flying in the little plane, grandson flew most of the time.

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The TV and audio system built into the great room makes a great home theater. Wife occasionally complains that the TV is too big, but then when watching a movie enjoys it.

Not sure about today’s agenda, a Costco run has been mentioned, I would like to make an extended door strike plate, that would involve a drawing in fusion, cutting it out, making the bends,,drilling and countersinking the holes and then having it powder coated. I haven’t been able to find one commercially made that is long enough, so I will likely make one.
Here is what I’m dealing with-

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This afternoon might be a good time to go to Costco, as there will be a lot of people home watching the Eagles playoff game.
Or you could just get some brass flat stock and cut it out.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,413  
Or you could just get some brass flat stock and cut it out.
View attachment 2368017

All of the hardware is presently black, so I’ve been “directed” to make it black. Brass did cross my mind, it’s a lot easier to work with, and I don’t have to get it powder coated.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,414  
sun feels nice and warm coming through my office window
very bright out with the sun bouncing off the snow.
just starting to melt it

had a nice visit with relatives, a nice toasted bagel with smoked salmon, cream cheese and capers, which
we always called little green boogers growing up. To the dismay of our parents.
mixed with salmon the intense flavor mixes right in. And some peppermint tea that was delicious.
nothing like hot tea on a cold day
just holding the warm mug feels good

might be time for a nap
   / Good morning!!!! #202,415  
I fear Boo was harvest mid November,neighbor inform me male bear over 300lbs was taken about 1/4mile from our home, 🤞 cross had Boo shall return towards end of March or so.
I hope he makes it back!
   / Good morning!!!! #202,417  
Good Evening GM thread!

Been a weird day. I went to sleep in the recliner last night and when I woke at 7:30 I thought I had slept until 7:30PM. Figured it out when I realized it was getting lighter outside instead of darker.

I made some dirty rice last night that turned out real good. Plenty left over so I had that again today.

Well, might poke some holes in the ceiling and see where the pipe burst. Could be anywhere in a 10-15' area. Also ordered a temp alarm for the garage. We do not go up to apt every day and did not notice it cold the day before, so probably died during the day and did not notice until next day. I was up there Monday and all was fine...
Ken, I hope the ceiling repair won't be too extensive. Those can be a real pain; for me anyway.

Son took grandson flying in the little plane, grandson flew most of the time.
Sure looks like he enjoyed it!

scott, that pic looks cold! We've been cloudy and damp, misting rain all day so it feels colder than 50°F.

Hope everyone has a safe, enjoyable day with family and friends! Time to get a nap in before the phone starts ringing later on.

Prayers for our Nation!
   / Good morning!!!! #202,419  
Good morning (afternoon). Status quo here.....

Not any really good news to report. Dona's blood work is still way out of wack. She had a second blood transfusion, 2 units this time. They bumped her chemotherapy back a week because it was so bad.

Now it is scheduled for this coming Wednesday..... the same day that we could get a foot of snow....
Not good considering the hour drive to Santa Fe through the mountains.
Then the drive up again on Thursday for another thoracentesis, her lungs keep filling with fluid. This will be number 5.

I'm still trying to catch up on here.... a loosing battle. Seems each day I fall behind another couple of pages....

Drew, I think we are going to sell our travel trailer. It's a 2022 Grand Design Transcend Explor 200MK. Here's the floorplan:

You can PM or call for more details if you are interested. With all that went on the last few years, we only used it twice.

Buppies, I am heartfelt hopeful that you can get to some resolution to the situation. Prayers sent.

I gotta go.... duty calls....
Everyone have a great evening.

Tractor & Equipment Auctions

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150 Gallon Tank Front Mount Tank (A39160)
150 Gallon Tank...
2018 Ford Focus Sedan (A39235)
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2017 Nissan Altima Sedan (A39235)
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Hay Spear (A39161)
Hay Spear (A39161)