Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #202,631  
UHC rant: Just had a frustrating call with United Healthcare in regards to my 2024 HSA they never funded. They basically put the blame on me for not opening an account for it with their 3rd party HSA by the end of 2023. My argument that open season went until mid dec 2023, and I never got anything saying I needed to open an account by the end of the year, went on deaf ears.
That really sucks! The maze of health insurance is terrible and getting worse.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,632  
Good evening all. 52ºF for the start, rain, .2 in gauge, light breeze. Light wind, moderate gusts, overcast morning, partly cloudy afternoon., and high temp was 65ºF. made coffee to start day, putter, worked on BAK registration and got that done. Bike ride, nap, dinner. Finally got the Outside folk to delete account they forced me to create, grumble grumble.
Buppies Nice the cold is over for a few days. Hate to hear that fires are that close. Thanks for warning of cold air return. Is polar vortex still going on this winter?
Ron glad Dr visit good. Nice you have no prescriptions. Hope grocery shopping went well, along with mill and lathe cleanup. Nice pileated woodpecker.
Drew hope they did better this time. I understand about the lack of credibility. Thanks for story about your brother. Definitely big disaster. Hope errands went well and car runs good. Nice of you to help your friend to PT.
Don thanks for info, no HEB this far north.
NHBX glad snow control went well. Sorry no seat time and BX feels neglected.
Thomas hope snow control went better than tow truck picking up Mrs Buick.
Bill hope good town and dump run. Have fun plowing tomorrow.
Two_bit lift assists account for most of Indian Creek VFD medical runs.
James hope you recovery is going well. Glad tractor got good workout. Hope today went well with good report from financial people.
Mike hope real job time is productive. Buppies cold about two weeks away.
Two_bit hope your weather holds.
Spike56 glad there is a quick start manual for car. Thanks for info on AFSOC.
Drew has been dry here too, Lake still low, usually full October or so.
Catch up later, tired tonight.
prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle /Daughter, /mom's breathing, /son's migraines, Bird /aging issues, Mike /BIL in FL, Ron /heart, David(moss) /remodel, /divorce, Buppies /cancer,parathyroid,blood sugar /wife, Thomas /gout, Phil /reflux, Frits /veteran son with mental issues, /granddaughter with Evans Syndrome, Ken /dad dementia, /chronic fatigue, Diet not working, Randy(wag) /sister stoke, Steppenwolfe /son-auto immune disorder, Grev /wife's eye, Ted /knee recovery, /retirement & disability red tape, /family issues, /wife back issues and cancer, Lou /eye issues, /heart issues, /wife hip replacement, Doug and wife/health issues, / hand nerve and surgery, /fall and recovery, / wife headaches and heart eval, / David(sadamo)/Sophie's hip or leg pain, /back issue, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, /marriage dissolving, / friend stop drinking, Dennis /retirement, /neighbor issues, /brother's lymphoma, /dad surgery recovery, Drew /back operation issues, /friend's wife cancer diagnosis and recovery, Scotty /back pain, Helogabals /wife's friend situation, Fatjay /father broken hip, Israel, Ukraine war, hurricane victims, and Country.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,633  
Coffee is cooling in cup. 33° with light rain this morning. Heading to 37° with rain and possibility of snow in the evening. Grocery shopping went good. Rest of the day was conserve energy. Plan is to get lathe, mill and drill press cleaned up today.
Hard to walk in the snow with short legs.

Everyone stay safe and well.

Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,634  
Coffee is cooling in cup. 33° with light rain this morning. Heading to 37° with rain and possibility of snow in the evening. Grocery shopping went good. Rest of the day was conserve energy. Plan is to get lathe, mill and drill press cleaned up today.
Hard to walk in the snow with short legs.
Good Morning Ron and the rest of GM thread !

My first order for the day is to take a carton of Blue Bell ice cream to a friend who has just got home from the hospital. He had a real close call and is finally on the mend. His wife said he was ok to have ice cream so I'll take some by later this morning. Then I need to attend some meetings and make some calls.

It's 48°F and 'clear' here so hopefully will warm up a little when the sun comes up!

Hoping it's a nice, clear sunny day for everyone!
   / Good morning!!!! #202,635  
good morning all
going to be a wet day, but warmer
temps right at the line, hopefully will stay rain, but snowing North of here

Two bit, ice cream is definitely therapeutic. And Blue Bell is good stuff.

heading off around noon to pick up friend and take him to pt. Somewhat difficult for me picking up
his electric wheelchair and putting it in back of suv but I just take my time and put a towel down so I don't scratch anything.
from what I've observed, my friend is not being helped at all, despite PT and cutting edge nerve drugs. Still has no control over right leg so he's
stuck in a wheel chair for the duration. Maybe the best he can do is not have it get worse, or create mental issues for him. His wife is an awesome caregiver but she is down with a new knee.

last day of January
   / Good morning!!!! #202,636  
Morning all!
25 going to a rainy 36 so they say
Stopped at the Post office yesterday. My certified/first class mail that had to travel 80 miles across the state has now been sent to Boston and back to my original office two times. It is currently lost in the system somewhere!! If it can't be found soon we will have to go to the DMV and request a new copy of title for the wrecked car! No title to the insurance co. means no check!! I should have just sent it regular mail. Would probably already be there!
Let's hope the fridge delivery today goes better!
Going to stop procrastinating and pull the pellet stove out of the fireplace and give it a much needed cleaning. Will shut it down soon so it will be cold when we get back.
Even though I have the special tool to slide it out it is still pretty heavy! I will try and grab a few pics of it disassembled.
Nothing going after that I will be to tired and sore!
That's it for now.
Hope everyone stays safe and healthy!
   / Good morning!!!! #202,637  
Phil, that sounds exasperating, sorry.

took some time to write note to my friend's wife about his wheelchair use for these doc visits.
He can't drive so he always has a driver.
He has been insisting on taking his very heavy motorized wheel chair and it's a real beast for me to pick up and put
in back of suv. Particularly when I saw the tall lift over on the Expedition.

So i suggested they consider using his lighter weight non motorized chair for these doc visits.
everyone is headed for the same door, and his wife just got a new knee. She shouldn't be picking that thing up either.
plus using the manual chair would give him some needed arm exercise.
I think he has become addicted to his joy stick. I can pick the chair up, have done it many times, but looking to future, this
makes no sense. Wife has to put chair in back of new Cadillac Lyriq. Wait til she scratches that...
   / Good morning!!!! #202,638  
Good Morning from Central Texas.
Nearly 5am, temp 48.7 with 40.1 dew point. Forecast is Sun the next several days with high temps 70 to near 80 ! Almost too hot (in sun) for heavy outdoor work.

One of the most successful USAF fighters is the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, now the (latest Boeing) F-15EX Eagle II version. The AF continues to upgrade and develop this platform to extend service life. One latest modification includes the EPAWSS (Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System) from BAE systems. This system integrates several improvements such as
  • Enhanced situational awareness through all-aspect, broadband radar warning and geolocation capabilities
  • Multi-spectral, RF countermeasures enable rapid response for complete aircrew protection
  • Simultaneous jamming without interfering with radar and radar warning receiver
  • Interoperable with Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar

Hope all have a safe and enjoyable day.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,640  
good morning, 42 going to 52 with rain likely this morning

Cody is all handsome again after grooming yesterday

wrist is painful and taking Tylenol again to help a bit. Hope it is only a sprain

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