Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #202,861  
36°F and cloudy this morning, going up to 47° today.

It was always going to be Plan A, Bill. I had no delusion that he was ever going to wander away on his own. As I was leaving for work this morning, driving down the driveway I saw him trotting along the treeline that separates the neighbor's front pasture from the road. I stopped and got out of my car and threw a rock at him. So, now he knows I mean business. :LOL:

Good morning, gents.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,863  
We like having the fox around to reduce the squirrel population.
But we don't have chickens either and have seen what one fox can do in an evening.
Friend lost 11 of 16 chickens in one night, feathers everywhere.
Took him a while to find the other chickens up in the trees hiding.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,864  
Soon you'll be seeing eggs listed as "Market Price" on the menu..

Spent morning looking at my auto insurance costs. Think I might have mentioned car ins going up about $500 from last year, or 23%. Was 14% last year from yr before, 10% the preceding 2 years...
Got a letter from Ins saying I can protest the increase, but the letter says it's only going up 1%, or $22 because of my sons accident. Apparently the protest will only be for the additional $22 they attribute to the accident.
Insurance companies are sleezy, worse than lawyers. O wait, they are ran by lawyers.

Didn't see the fox on camera last night, but a deer beside the house at about the time the fox is normally around.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,865  
Helped neighbor reorganize his shop. May be a lost cause.
Does it ever last long enough?

We got upgraded to first class yesterday,
Only First Class for you my friend!

I'm replacing my desk with my mom's was made on the Eastern Shore of Virginia in 1787, so I feel I have made a special place for it.
That is just fantastic! Sounds like there is a very interesting story about that desk!

Off to North Bay in a couple of hours for groceries, oil and cat litter. I think there are 7 stops on this trip, including lunch.
Busy day! Hope the streets are clear and safe!

I iphone I found yesterday which I hung on the mailbox now gone :unsure: hope the right person took it.
Good Man Mr. Thomas. I bet the owner was surprised.

My garage is now smaller than what I have to organize.
Can't have too many garages. Or enough space to fill up.

probably more time on the phone with an insurance agent or two.
That is never fun but hope you can find a way to save some money!

good getting sick weather.
Prayers you stay well!

We like having the fox around to reduce the squirrel population.
We have a fox in the neighborhood. I see it frequently coming through the backyard and maybe on the back porch around midnight. It's not a hard working squirrel catcher though. We are over run with them.

It's up to a sunny 76° here and a slight occasional breeze. Burned some more small brush this morning and will have some more later after trimming back the Pride of Barbados plants.

Have an Austin day tomorrow. Early morning meetings and then lunch with a friend from East Texas then a reception in Bee Cave. Should be an interesting day.

Hope everyone here has a great afternoon, evening and restful, peaceful sleep tonight. The older I get the more I appreciate a good nights sleep.

Prayers for our Nation!
   / Good morning!!!! #202,866  
My office desk is an old oak dining table that my parents had once upon a time. Only 30" x 52" long including the one 10" leaf. It might have gotten passed down. It had 4 chairs, think I have 3 of them, but chairs falling apart.
When in High school, this was my desk in my bedroom. I used to solder on it, and left several burn marks. I fixed most of those, but kept where i put my initials with the soldering iron.
Last edited:
   / Good morning!!!! #202,867  
I have an old, huge blondwood desk from Grumman I bought when I still lived at home.
So it's now in it's 4th house.
it takes up almost half of my small home office :)
   / Good morning!!!! #202,868  
The highway going to North Bay was hard packed snow covered with wheel track bare sections. Still did the limit. (65 mph)
Around the city was slushy and wet. Got my oil, $161.oo +/- all in. While junior was in doing the grocery shopping I cleaned the headlights, taillights and license plate and topped off the washer bottle.
Coming home the roads were bare and dry, my cruise control didn't want to work. Oh well, 110-120 kmh all the way. (68 - 75 mph)
Home now and just downloaded the manual for a President Lincoln II CB manual for a buddy that has one and lost the manual.
   / Good morning!!!! #202,869  
part of my afternoon was nice.
The part when I was parked outside the PT place in Souderton and the warm afternoon sun was coming
in, had to open a window. I almost nodded off.

the not so nice part was because the gps on my car stopped again, I missed the 202 exit from 309 going home and in miserable traffic had to turn
around and retrace my steps, without a working nav system. When the sign said Philadelphia 10 miles ahead I knew I had gone too far.
at least I know now what the problem is, an overheating issue in the electronics, since it works fine for half an hour, then fails, and stays failed.
Rebooting car does nothing. So I recontacted dealer and said this has to come back.
to make things worse today, I did what I thankfully rarely do and left my phone home on my desk. So no backup nav.
added stress to a situation I normally would just laugh off.
just add it to my big dumbie list...

Bill, glad you had a good trip. I can't imagine driving 65mph on snowy anything. Seems the colder it gets the more grip?
I'm glad you aren't driving the Ice Road
   / Good morning!!!! #202,870  
Good news regarding the farm pipeline.
Looks like the pipeline company came around to our way of thinking.

Ice event coming wed night.
Next week snow returns, current 4-6” predicted.

Tractor & Equipment Auctions

Implement Tires (A39161)
Implement Tires...
Future Laser Level (A41856)
Future Laser Level...
2020 Ford Transit 250 Cargo Van (A39234)
2020 Ford Transit...
2 John Deere Quick Hitches (A39161)
2 John Deere Quick...
JCB 507.42 Telehandler Lift (A39720)
JCB 507.42...