Good Morning. 0850, mostly cloudy, 57F with 82% humidity. Forecast high of 74F this afternoon, and a low of 56F tonight. 100% chance of rain in the morning, expecting 5 to 6 inches. My little pepper and tomato plants were almost drowned the other night, so I will move them, or cover them up this time. Too much time involved to see them beat down again.
Yesterday I went down to our fish ponds. The Chipola River is flowing into them, so we can expect an assortment of fish to be left behind when the river goes down. I'm just glad we didn't have them stocked with fat catfish. We have lost a lot of $$ in fish to floods over the years. Last night at 2200 it crested at 25.46', and it's forecast to drop out pretty fast. Both camps have squeaked through 28' floods before, but with all this new rain on the way, it is scary waiting to see what's going to happen.
Everyone have a good day.