Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #21,151  
right at 32 this morning and the sun is up and pretty. Big day in Boston and I will be here working on the lumber for the barn siding
Wife and I will be heading to Virginia on Saturday afternoon so lots of stuff to get done this week for sure.
She has done all of the raking as well so I am a lucky guy!
   / Good morning!!!! #21,152  
50 degrees and going up to 71 in Washington NC. Finally some drier warmer weather.
   / Good morning!!!! #21,153  
38*F on its way to 69* today and mostly sunny. The peepers won't be long in coming but there is still ice cover on our ponds. I think they show up as the last of the ice melts; it must be nice to be cold-blooded. :laughing:

I think I will grill something this afternoon. This evening is a regular 1st & 3rd Monday work session at the fire house. Sharon is prepping for the annual Leonberger National Specialty dog show and general gathering to be held this week in Burlington, VT. They rotate around the country and this is the Northeast's year. Last year was Vancouver and the year before was Wisconsin.
   / Good morning!!!! #21,154  
Good Morning all! 41F going for a high of 59 with thunder showers possible. Winds light and variable. 50/50 chance of rain. At least it will be warm.
I can see most of my septic bed, but it is always the first to melt off. There is still 2' of snow on the lawn and garden.
   / Good morning!!!! #21,155  
Good morning all, 45F here this beautiful morning with a predicted high today of 75F. Yesterday hit 70F, got most of the lawn rolled, will finish it tonight if the ground cooperates, still some real soft spots.
   / Good morning!!!! #21,156  
Our frogs have been peeping for some time, with a couple of pauses for the last two snow storms, then back at it. They were singing away the other night at 39 degrees. #7 early today, 45 now and 70 later.
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
53 and headed for 77 !! Thats what spring is for!!! Need to get busy on replacing my pressure tank. The old one is water logged, and the pump clicks on and off a lot. It has been here longer than I have, 28 years, so it doesn't owe me anything. Have a good one!!
   / Good morning!!!! #21,159  
I heard the frogs last night also for the first time.we have fog and 45 degrees this Morning warming to 67 later with a chance of Showers.
   / Good morning!!!! #21,160  
68F and .17 niches rain since midnight.

Be safe
Have a great day

David Sent from my iPad Air using TractorByNet

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