Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #23,951  
After clean up:

Is this really a shop? Or are you planning some bio-farma secret squirrel stuff? It looks like it belongs in a clean room.

It's hazy and hot out this AM. The rain showers never materialized yesterday, they will today. And I wanted to cut more grass, ah shucks....
   / Good morning!!!! #23,952  
Dark and gloomy his morning. My mood seems to reflect this as well... Harumpf.

I'm going to do my exercise bit, eat a couple eggs and go outside regardless of the gloomy weather.

I wish I could channel rswayn and get stuff done like he is, but such is life...

I found some locktite in a tool box, so I will fix my stump grinder and go to work on my slash clearing/bonfire pile building...

Be well all,
   / Good morning!!!! #23,953  
Wow. 74* this a.m. That's downright chilly. Heavy cloud cover over head. Projected temp is 102*. We'll make that and then some. We've been hitting 105* all week. But it's a dry heat. Horses are fed and out, and chicken coop is open. Clean the coop today, some mowing and weedeating, and who knows what else.
   / Good morning!!!! #23,954  
Good morning all. Already to 85F going to 97F mostly sunny and very wet heat (dp 74F). Heat advisory started yesterday and goes through Monday. Back on yard trim today with getting new shift cable/seat for Trek. Imagine that, the cable failed at 19 years :( . Also have a memorial for a friend's father today at 2. Will be a challenge working outside today.
   / Good morning!!!! #23,955  
Wow. 74* this a.m. That's downright chilly. Heavy cloud cover over head. Projected temp is 102*. We'll make that and then some. We've been hitting 105* all week. But it's a dry heat. Horses are fed and out, and chicken coop is open. Clean the coop today, some mowing and weedeating, and who knows what else.

You have about an hour or 2 of morning to get stuff done outside and then the sweat starts pouring. whew.
   / Good morning!!!! #23,956  
68F and .18 inches rain last 24 hours.

Wife had a good oncologist visit, clear report. Eight years since the big "C". We are blessed. Next appointment, next year.

Off to bimonthly lunch with bunch with group of retired military guys.

Be safe
Have a great day.

David Sent from my iPad Air using TractorByNet
   / Good morning!!!! #23,957  
rsw, man, ye done lost me - unless ye're cleaning ye thingamajig early in the morning when it's cool.

We're in the dog days here. Ho', mighty ho' lately. A foul kind of heat too. Won't be long I'll be longing for some warmth. Me old bones don't like the cold.
   / Good morning!!!! #23,958  
Got the coffee brewing. 62° with clear skies this morning. Heading to 81° with mix of sun and clouds. Lawn is growing faster than normal for late August. ...
Yeah ... same here ... with all the rain lately it's needing cut at least every 7 days or so, to keep it from getting out of hand ...

rswyan, hope you can keep everything in place when you start working on your projects.
Thanks ... I do too.

It's been a problem in the past ... failure to put things away after completing one project and before beginning the next one ...

But I've been consciously forcing myself to put tools away as I've been working in the shop, if I've completed the project they were gotten out for.
   / Good morning!!!! #23,959  
Is this really a shop?
LOL ... yeah, it's a shop ... really.

Or are you planning some bio-farma secret squirrel stuff? It looks like it belongs in a clean room.
LOL ...

I think you mean a cleaning room ...

I was thinking last night - as I was looking at some of the pictures I took - that the shop doesn't look nearly as bad in photos, as it actually does in person. It's plenty cruddy though ... to the point that the woman (and even I) can smell it (on me) after having been up there for a significant length of time. Sort of a petroleum-based stink ... reminds me of working in the parts store ...

The old man would come home at the end of the day and sit down in his cloth upholstered rocker with the wrap-around back and promptly fall asleep ...

There were two grease spots, one on either side of the chair back where his head would roll over to.

It's hazy and hot out this AM. The rain showers never materialized yesterday, they will today. And I wanted to cut more grass, ah shucks....
You sound ... just devastated ... :D
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
Had a good morning. Dropped sis off at the hospital, her SO met me there, and she is in for some intensive outpatient theraphy. In patient is not covered by her insurance, so that isn't in the cards for now. She was much better, happier, than she has been in quite awhile. I reeally appreciate the support here guys.

Now, maybe onto some projects!!!???

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