Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #24,101  
Drinking second cup of coffee. 54° with partly cloudy skies this morning. Heading to 74° with partly cloudy skies and low humidity. Got friends from NM parked in backyard until after Labor Day. No projects will get completed until the leave.
Drew, good luck with your helper. Not sure how I would handle him. But some good suggestions offered here.
rswyan, impressive project.
Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,102  
73 out this AM. Sitting around the place today. Got the B battery last night, DuraCell Plus from batteriesPlus. If I get 5 years out of it, I am happy. Something about tractors, installed the battery, and wouldn't you know it? Just had to start cutting something. So I cut some grass for a few hours.
Weather looks to be nice the whole weekend.

Everyone have a great holiday, be safe, enjoy your time with family and friends. Reflect and recharge, be well. See you all later.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,103  
46 with fog turning partly cloudy with some Sun later with a high of 73.It sounds like very wet weekend,it will start tonight.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,104  
College football starts TODAY!
The Fighting Texas Aggies vs South Carolina.
I know the Ags have a bunch of true freshman playing, but they at least have more depth on D than last year's nightmare D.
I hope the game is close, and the Ags pull it out on the last drive!
   / Good morning!!!! #24,105  
About 70° her in Prairie, but getting ho'. Dove season starts Monday, I have a place reserved, but might be a bit warm for me. Supposed to be a cold winter though. Have a good day boys.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,106  
About 70ー her in Prairie, but getting ho'. Dove season starts Monday, I have a place reserved, but might be a bit warm for me. Supposed to be a cold winter though. Have a good day boys.
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
66 here, going to 77. Need to paint some trim today, it might rain tomorrow, I hope it drys ok. Some great projects here guys. I am going to get that newsletter, sounds like a good read.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,108  
65F and .06 inches rain last 24 hours.

Yesterday's' cardio consult pretty easy, just a lot of paperwork, history exam and EKG. Scheduled to go back for about 3 hours of CT exams, treadmill test, and Holter fitting. Followup on Oct 1 and I get the results.

Be safe
Have a great day.

David Sent from my iPad Air using TractorByNet
   / Good morning!!!! #24,109  
this guy that repairs Tractors for a living and I got the new Master Cylinder for the brakes replaced today and wow I have brakes the new again.I have been fighting this for 6 months.There was a big chunk around where piston goes in was busted out and was sucking air.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,110  
72F @ 17:45 ...

Just woke up/got up and enjoying some of Emeril's "Big Easy Bold" coffee that the the wife seems to have taken a liking to ... how long that will last is anyone's guess ...

Worked until about 11:00 this morning building profiles in the CAD program for the grapple. Didn't get the load center changed out yesterday (too late in the day, not enough light) ... looks like I won't get it done today either (same deal) ... no biggie ... tomorrow's another day.

Got three of the four pulleys pretty much stripped of paint and cleaned off. The fourth one still has quite a bit of paint on it ... dunno how well adhered it is at this point though. Amazing how quickly things flash rust once you dip them. Have to haul them up to the shop ... probably give 'em a quick dip in the phosphoric acid to convert the light surface rust to iron phosphate and then find a place to put them away and store them.

Have a few items (angle, and plate) currently cooking in the muriatic acid that need pulled and rinsed off before it gets too dark to see what I'm doing.

Will finish a little mod on the bandsaw tonight and then cut all the reinforcement gussets (10) for the rake teeth on the lower jaw of the grapple. Probably tack up the stands for shop vise and the tubing roller ... maybe drill the holes in the floor for 'em as well.

And the 1/2" Crapsman drill is still sitting there on the workbench waiting to be finished, if I can ever figure out how to get the chuck off it ... removed the screw that seemed to be holding it on but it doesn't seem to want to pop off when tapping it with a hammer or unscrew in either direction.

And, of course, there's always more cleaning and organizing to do ... amazing how much mess occurs when working on something.

Hope everyone had a good day.

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