Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #24,221  
Happy Labor Day
71F and 2.02 inches rain last 24 hours.

Will be hosting the Happy Hour crew here at home this afternoon. Sophie made a very appetizing lasagna, salad, garlic bread, dessert.

Be safe
Have a great day.

David Sent from my iPad Air using TractorByNet
   / Good morning!!!! #24,222  
In spite of the forecast 96 degrees, it's only 87 here at 11:30 a.m. And we've had an exceptionally strong and cool south breeze; 18 mph now. So about 7 a.m. I took our little mutt for a 45 minute walk in the woods in the park, than about 9 a.m. decided to mow, edge, and trim our yard and one next door while we didn't have dew on the grass. So that took 2 hours. But now I've showered and hope I don't have to get out of the house the rest of the day.:)
   / Good morning!!!! #24,223  
Well boys, first day of dove season here in Prairie Country MISSISSIPPI, but way to ho' for me to go to my stand I reserved for this year. Have to wait for a cooler day.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,224  
up at 4 AM this morning, cleaned up the camp and was on the road at 6:30 or so.
Cool up there, but got here and it is in the mid 80’s and humidity is about 80 also.
Didn’t close the camp, but did pull the dock and did some clean up out side.
hard to believe we will be going into fall pretty soon. Time flies when we are having fun.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,225  
Mid to Upper 90's here...and really humid after our I cut the grass this AM while it was still a little least it kept the dust down...Too hot for me to do anything much more outside ...

It's Labor day...summer is supposed to be over...Someone help bring on the Fall.....LOL...everyone have a safe and happy Labor Day.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,226  
94 degrees with a heat index of 107.
No way I'm going out in that.
Having unpacked my quota of boxes today, I spent some time ordering rose bushes from J&P. Free shipping today which was nice though they won't ship likely for awhile.

getting tired of this laptop and the phone/cable company is coming tomorrow afternoon so maybe I'll spend the rest of the afternoon getting the pc ready. yeah right like the cables are going to be in the same box...sigh.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,227  
You may have left camp little to early w/this warm weather upon us for days.

"hard to believe we will be going into fall pretty soon"
About month leave raking/blower will be replacing trimmer use.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,228  
OK, chuckle time. Sitting here reading about your temps in various areas, 90's & 100's and my wife starts "complaining" that we've hit 80 already and too hot and not even 11AM. I think she is spoiled :)

David Sent from my iPad Air using TractorByNet
   / Good morning!!!! #24,229  
Wayne. You may have left camp little to early w/this warm weather upon us for days. "hard to believe we will be going into fall pretty soon" About month leave raking/blower will be replacing trimmer use.

Don't ya know it! Just odd to see the change in the temps and daytime weather though. Although the water wasn't all that cold walked right in to take the dock apart. Getting up to my chest wasn't all that much fun though. I would have stayed, but the wife has gone to Sweden and I will be taking care of the grand dogie for two weeks.
   / Good morning!!!! #24,230  
Temperatures driving thru upstate SC showed 100 on both sons car and wife's as well. Got out and switched cars and asphalt felt like one could cook eggs. Looks like a week or two of this then cooler temperatures reappear

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