Good Afternoon. 1240, mostly cloudy, 88F {98 heat index} with 69% humidity. Forecast high of 89F with 50% chance of a thunderstorm this afternoon, and a low of 72F tonight. It is much cooler today. We hit 102F yesterday. And of course I was in town, where the concrete, asphalt and all those cars just make it that much hotter. Just after midnight we had a pretty good thunderstorm. Or so I hear, I slept through it. We got just under 2 1/2" of rain out of it. I've been doing laundry all morning. Now that it has warmed up, I guess I will switch the Woods RM400 RFM over to the B7500 and do a little mowing. The grass is so high in the backyard if Mocha lays down, I can't see her. But the front yard and over at Mamma's will still be at the front of the Que. Mamma is threatening to get on the her mower if I don't get it done. If her front tire wasn't flat, I would take that threat more seriously.
Hope everyone has a good day.