Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #28,501  
Happy Birthday MacLawn! Good luck getting your money. :laughing:
   / Good morning!!!! #28,502  
Thanks, boys. I'm 66 now, been paying into SS since I was 12, wha', 54 years now? Never taken a dime yet. Yep, chances of gubmint going belly up are mighty high, mighty high.
   / Good morning!!!! #28,503  
Thanks, boys. I'm 66 now, been paying into SS since I was 12, wha', 54 years now? Never taken a dime yet. Yep, chances of gubmint going belly up are mighty high, mighty high.

I'd be worried, real worried. You just went from being an asset to being a liability. :eek:
   / Good morning!!!! #28,504  
Happy Birthday MacLawn.
Thanks, boys. I'm 66 now, been paying into SS since I was 12, wha', 54 years now? Never taken a dime yet. Yep, chances of gubmint going belly up are mighty high, mighty high.
   / Good morning!!!! #28,505  
Happy birthday MacLawn may you have many more
   / Good morning!!!! #28,507  
Happy Birthday, MacLawn

David Sent from my iPad Air using TractorByNet
   / Good morning!!!! #28,508  
I woke up and thought I'd been transported to Larro's back yard...68 degrees going up to 75 today.
Rain likely, thunderstorms at times. Another inside day, mostly doing some staining and polyurethaning of trim
pieces and then a few hours of hand sanding in the new closet.

actually looking forward to colder weather coming in. The ground is so wet I can't do much with the tractor.
I really should be out planting more bulbs. Usually there are some leftovers around but I haven't found any locally. Those little mesh bags of
100 mixed tulips and daffodils. Super cheap, probably the least desirable, but along the edge of the woods facing the road, those bulbs will look just fine. I hope. Shall see if the deer come for breakfast; have had that happen before. Just came along and munched all those delicious little crunchy heads off. Grrrrrrr. Maybe I'll buy a case of Irish Spring soap....

Happy Birthday Mac. It's funny how a bunch of us are creeping up on Medicare/SS about now.
Hey, we made it....
   / Good morning!!!! #28,509  
David/MF, how's the new job going? We all hope well.
It must be nice to get back in a routine but I bet you wish you had a little of that free time back again.
Back to being a weekend warrior.
Hopefully all good.

Mostly, you rode that bicycle how many miles? That's almost across the US. I haven't quite followed where you went, but I knew
you were "going"....and having fun. You must be in really good shape.
   / Good morning!!!! #28,510  
42 and drizzly, heading to 70. Weather has a fever today, but will be well and return to normal tomorrow.

Got my splitter running yesterday - 19 pulls and it started like magic. :( Finished my splitting just as the rain started, so I'm happy.

We'll probably take down the rest of the Christmas decorations today...always hard to take them down, hate to see them go. But it will be nice to regain the space that our huge tree takes up. We always say we are going to cut one a little smaller, and they look smaller in the field. So they must have a growth spurt while carrying them inside.

Hope you enjoyed your birthday, Mac.

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