Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #28,511  
Billy, time for a big shot of Sea Foam in that splitter. Old gas?
glad you got it done, a good feeling of accomplishment.
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   / Good morning!!!! #28,512  
Brand new gas with Sta-bil ethanol treatment.

I've never used Sea Foam, but was about to buy a can when the man at the hardware store said it would worsen the problem because it had ethanol in it. Not sure I believed him, but bought some carb cleaner instead.

Have you had good experience with it on small engines?
   / Good morning!!!! #28,513  
41 this morning high of 64 later today with heavy rain possible. wngsprd have used sea foam for years with positive results. The man who repairs all of our small engines swears by it
   / Good morning!!!! #28,514  
41 this morning high of 64 later today with heavy rain possible. wngsprd have used sea foam for years with positive results. The man who repairs all of our small engines swears by it

Thanks. I'll give it a try.
   / Good morning!!!! #28,515  
Brand new gas with Sta-bil ethanol treatment.

I've never used Sea Foam, but was about to buy a can when the man at the hardware store said it would worsen the problem because it had ethanol in it. Not sure I believed him, but bought some carb cleaner instead.

Have you had good experience with it on small engines?

absolutely yes and most of the repair shops at least where I used to live used it heavily.
There's alway someone who says "oh that's just kerosene".
I don't know, my engines always started after I started using it.

That premixed expensive super gas in the cans really works well in my chain saws. My echos often start on the first pull. Or at least burp so you take off the choke and it starts on the next pull. Two pulls I'm happy with. I think after four pulls I'd wonder what wasn't working unless the engine had been sitting all year and the gas had drained out.
   / Good morning!!!! #28,516  
I've used that premix in the can for our Mantis tiller after having to rebuild the carb, and it is worth the money for such a small use. My chainsaw has never had a problem with regular gas, nor any of my other engines, but maybe this splitter just needs extra love, so I'll feed it some sea foam while I stand over it with a sledge hammer - tough love :).
   / Good morning!!!! #28,517  
53F @ 06:00 ... down a degree since 05:00

Looks like it won't hit the 32F mark until about 21:00 tonight ... after that the bottom really drops out.

Got the top bar on the pallet fork backstop pretty well straightened out and welded onto the uprights. Also got the bent parking stand for the landscape straightened out as well. Pallet forks should be ready to paint within the next 48 hours or so. Still have to cut two pieces of 1/4" x 2" for the outside uprights and get them welded on ... but need to service the cylinder for the hydraulic downfeed on the band saw before I do that. It was low on fluid ... made it drop a couple inches at the top of the stroke. I need it to work all the way down ... so I can do a vertical cut on a 10" tall piece of 1" plate for the splitter's wedge.

My helper showed up @ 22:00 so I had him pull the hydraulic cylinder and clean it off in the parts washer. Just have to disassemble it and refill it with fluid. I'm thinking that a little TSC Premium Hydraulic Fluid ought to do the trick :D

I did manage to get the 10" x 11" piece of 1" plate cut into a 6" x 10" piece and a drop ... by using a zip disc in an angle grinder.

Had the kid split a couple of oak rounds, and we did a lot of cleaning and straightening up. Then I let him do a little welding practice. He headed home around 01:00 ... with a piece of expanded metal - that had been two pieces when he started - to show his parents.

Think I'm just gonna stay up ... maybe run the Kubota up to the shed now and adjust the PRV for the 3PH while it's still warm outside ... so I don't lose all the heat out of the shed. Maybe try to get some stuff done outside once the sun comes up ... before the temp drops.
   / Good morning!!!! #28,518  

Happy Birthday to ya ...

Mrs. Redbird sends her regards.

(You too Roy ... :D)
   / Good morning!!!! #28,519  
Shall see if the deer come for breakfast; have had that happen before. Just came along and munched all those delicious little crunchy heads off. Grrrrrrr. Maybe I'll buy a case of Irish Spring soap....

Try takin' a whizz on 'em ... (the daffodils and tulips ... not the deer)
   / Good morning!!!! #28,520  
12 with temps falling through out the Day.We have light Snow falling,might have to Plow later and clean it up.

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