Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #29,201  
63°F and no rain last 24 hours.
Decided not to change out the 300 gallons of spa water, just a good cleaning and a new filter.

Be safe
Have a great day.

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   / Good morning!!!! #29,202  
Drew, thanks for the report.
I think I use my pallet forks more than any other attachment except possibly my mower. Just so awfully handy!

David Sent from my iPad Air using TractorByNet
   / Good morning!!!! #29,203  
Drew looks like you picked some good equipment. That grader blade will make clearing some off you drive really fast. If you ever get any. But that's not all if can do. Have fun with them.
   / Good morning!!!! #29,204  
Happy Belated Anniversary Buppies!

Drew - NICE!!!!

Gary - Awesome pix!

I'm off to chainsaw some more firewood for my pile...

Tomorrows Seattle vs. Green Bay game will be the BEST game of the playoffs, better than the Super Bowl I believe. I predict Seattle will win after an awesome game, and I hope the Colts win just because...

Be well all,
   / Good morning!!!! #29,205  
Good to see you David

Hoping to see a Patriots vs Packers Super Bowl :)

David Sent from my iPad Air using TractorByNet
   / Good morning!!!! #29,206  
Did I already comment about - wha'? - a Good Morning post goes on for this long!?! We boys ain't got much to do, do we? Heheheheeeee....

Well, there's that big bright warm round thingamabob way up in the air today. Wonder wha' it could be? ,are me world a bit warmer, almost 60°.
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
Been goofing off for a couple of days. Things are going pretty good, hopefully we will get some warmer weather, I want to work in the shop, but I have no heat out there, so it gets cold. Hope you guys have a good one!!
   / Good morning!!!! #29,209  
Yes, some wax like the Turtle stuff

yup, on Terrapin Track Road I should wax my implements with Turtle Wax
I mean, what else?

I put the trailer back by the barn and exercised some good sense hopefully and left the stuff on there until I can get an extra hand. Not like it doesn't sit outside anyway.

Been cleaning out my new bedroom most of the day, getting ready for carpet on Monday. Tomorrow I work on the garage and try to get that cleaned up enough to get new garage doors installed later this week.

Tomorrow I also have to drain the hot tub. Figured I'd do it while it was raining so the bromine water would get diluted. Not sure how the lawn likes that stuff....
Monday it gets moved over fifteen feet on plastic pipe rollers so that the last windows can be completed, and then rolled back over, reconnected, refilled, and hopefully before temp drops below freezing.
Needs to be drained anyway, water seemed a little foamy and funky.
But it sure felt good an hour ago, even if I did take a shower when I was done to get rid of the chemical smell. Like coming out of a public pool, a little strong.

Saturday night in the middle of January.
Now how much trouble can we get in to?
Lots I hope.
   / Good morning!!!! #29,210  
2F & clear blue sky today. High was 13F with light winds.

Goofed off all day. :laughing:

Tractor & Equipment Auctions

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Unused IRMC High End Full Body Massage Chair, (A39050)
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Ford 3930 with Side Cutter (A39720)
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Wright Stander Standing Mower (A40010)
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