Super Star Member
Dave. Have you go a front or rear snow blower? Either way I hope you parked the tractor in the correct direction so you don't have to shovel it out.
Reminds me of getting new litter for the chicken coops. They dump a tractor trailer load of sawdust in front of my doors. Had one guy apologize for blocking the door completely asked me how I was going to get in. I was sitting on a skid steer. I said watch and grabbed a bucket a pushed it in. He thought that was the best thing. As you can push about 3 times what you can pack and he didn't realize that.
I think I would rather have the snow than sawdust. Not as hot and itchy and dusty. And you can dress for the cold. Stay safe.
Rear blower and loader on the front. I always back in so I can push through any drifts across the door with the loader.
Best way to get across drifts on foot is just to pretend you are a kid again and dive in. No way I'm shoveling my way through that drift. :laughing: