Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #4,041  
2012-06-23, 0817
66 degrees..which is nice. 93% humidity...not so nice.
A high of 86 predicted...definitely nicer then yesterday. If it dries up from the rain, maybe some outdoor work. If not, time for an oil change in the tractor.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,043  
Good morning! A nice 69* here and heading up to 84. Supposed to be much cooler next week and that fine with me. Spent all day yesterday planting shrubs and that heat and humidity about did me in. Gotta do the mowing today. Have a good one.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,044  
Yesterday it started raining about 1:30 PM and is finally turning to showers this morning. Should see some breaks today so hope to get at cutting up some logs into firewood rounds. High will still be fairly cool at around 17C.
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
I think this is the nicest day I've seen in years. Mid 70's, a little breeze, a few clouds, but very, very nice. Almost makes up for the 5 months of winter we get. :)
   / Good morning!!!! #4,046  
Still cannot reply worth a D*** using the quick reply function and still having the headaches of inability to post pictures much of the time.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,047  
Good evening all. hit 88F today, 98F tomorrow, weather guy drop the dry heat bit.
JD so the site upgrade did not help with pics?
   / Good morning!!!! #4,048  
Coffee is brewing. 63 degrees this morning. Heading to 85 with some chance of a thunderstorm this afternoon. RV project continues.
Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,049  
64 here! Too bad the wife is suffering from allergies and I cannot sleep with the windows open...

Worked my fanny off yesterday until I was aching and cramping from sweating out all my magnesium.... I will post a thread on it I think...

Have a great Sunday folks,
Be well.

   / Good morning!!!! #4,050  
It was too hot and muggy to jog yesterday evening. I'll be running in 10 minutes as soon as it's light enough to see the snakes. Got to exercise that heart!!!!!!! 77 degrees now.

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