Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #4,061  
Back to needing a warm cup of coffee in the morning. 59 degrees with a brisk northerly breeze. Heading to a high of 73, and more of the northerly breeze. Red light is flashing on the whole house generator monitor. Must be time to put a new battery in it. RV flooring project is on hold for a couple of days. Old body needs some rest from crawling into tight places.
Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,062  
good morning well 69 now headed for upper80's today but get this tuesday high temp lower to mid 70's man will that feel good we need rain bad gardens and crops suffering my yard is brown now no mowing hope everyone a good day
   / Good morning!!!! #4,063  
70 headed to 85, and the low next two nights is forecast at 57!!! Tomorrow's high is only 80!

I feel like calling in sick! :D

But Friday's forecast is for 103 with a low around 75!!!!! :thumbsdown:

I'm off to the Hand DR to give him :censored: over my most recent surgery that is not healing propertly (in my opinion, hurts too much).

Then I'm off to the spice mines of Kessel again...

Be well y'all,
   / Good morning!!!! #4,064  
Good Morning. Today is my Dad's 84th Birthday! Last month he bought a new 8' rotary mower for his tractor and has just finished mowing about 80 acres. His eyesight is dimming but he did not tear down any fences or run over anything (that he told me about). For his Birthday I found some new lifts for his delta truck tool box on the back of his pickup and installed them yesterday. Those lids pop open like new and he does not have to hold the lid open with one hand while he gets his tool out with the other any more. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
60 here, nice and cool. Hopefully I will get some things done. Bought some fruit trees yesterday at Wallmart. On sale @ $7, so I bought 10. Put 8 in yesterday, the other 2 going in this afternoon.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,066  
63F over cast,on/off rain all day w/temps high 60's low 70's.

txdon..please pass along birthday wishes to your dad for me,he must be heck of man.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,067  
txdon, tell your dad happy birthday, my mom is 89 and it's amazing what they can tell us if we just listen!

78 here now, missed the rain AGAIN!:mad: Going to mid 80's with a little cool off before the next heat wave hits Thursday.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,068  
2012-06-25, 0755

64 now and a bit humid. 78 is the high and possibility of thunderstorms.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,069  

Please tell you Dad I said "Happy Birthday" and sent him a virtual beer!

   / Good morning!!!! #4,070  
Good morning. 65* currently with a high of only 71 for today. This is my kinda weather

Tractor & Equipment Auctions

Utility Trailer, (A35430)
Utility Trailer...
1990 Komatsu D31A (A36525)
1990 Komatsu D31A...
799 (A37993)
799 (A37993)
JLG 600AJ BOOM LIFT SN:129682 4x4, powered by diesel engine, equipped with 60ft. Platform height, (A37993)