Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #7,191  
34 going to 50 sometime today
David that 4 hr drive reminds me of another reason I love living rural
Roy did you ever get a cover over that John Deere?
   / Good morning!!!! #7,192  
...David that 4 hr drive reminds me of another reason I love living rural...


Me too! I do get to work from home or on the road A LOT... But around the holidays or bad weather, traffic North/South on I-95 is horrid...

I simply cannot WORK rural (yet)...

I have a Lunch event up in Springfield today, and I HATE the Friday commute, but if I can head South earlier, like no later than 1:30... Well...

It could be terrible... They are doing this MASSIVE construction project for HOT lanes, it is a Friday, there is a Holiday as well. Yesterday morning going North to the office, at least 60% of the cars were out of state...

I would LOVE to skip this trip...

But it pays the bills...

Be well,
   / Good morning!!!! #7,193  
20F Gusty winds at times,moon trying shine thru which means good chance of sun today :) highs upper 20's-30's.
I'll be clean up old man winter nasty mess from yesterday today.
   / Good morning!!!! #7,194  
34 going to 60 today
Spent yesterday picking up my shop, then enjoyed the afternoon shooting with grandsons an son
We hav a anual shoot , its fun.they all shoot good.
   / Good morning!!!! #7,195  
Drinking second cup of coffee. 33 degrees with clouds this morning. Heading to Texas with improved temperatures and weather. Drove a little over 500 miles yesterday. Lots of traffic all the way. Everybody must be looking for better weather.
Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #7,196  
Cloudy and -5c this morning, some snow later today. Should get out to the garage and work on the Cadtrac, have a couple of cylinders to change. But its only going to -4c today and the heat in the garage is not the greatest. Will decide later. Breakfast seems like a better option right now. Coffee first. No work until after the New Year celebration, then back to the grind.
   / Good morning!!!! #7,197  
28 degrees here. Cleaned the 14 inches of snow up yesterday. All is good..
   / Good morning!!!! #7,198  
Good morning! Mid 20's here and cloudy. Supposed to get more snow tomorrow so may get some more seat time on the atv. Have a good one!
   / Good morning!!!! #7,199  
we light snow flurries and 16 this morning only getting up to 26 today.
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
16 here, only getting to 30 today. Yuck. I am feeling better, I'd like to get some snow moved, but the docs say to stay inside.

Tractor & Equipment Auctions

CAT 988B RUBBER TIRED LOADER SN:50W1081 powered by Cat 3408 diesel engine equipped with EROPS, GP (A37994)
890 (A37993)
890 (A37993)
20ft Jumper Cables (A36525)
20ft Jumper Cables...
Unused White Reusable HDPE Anti Bird Garden (A40010)
Unused White...
New/Unused Hercules ATV Sprayer (A36525)