Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #7,521  
57 F and raining, headed up to mid 60's later. Some weather?
   / Good morning!!!! #7,522  
Coffee is brewing. 58 degrees with light fog this morning. Heading to 81 with mix of clouds and sun. Visiting friends today.
Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #7,523  
60s an light rain
Thank everyone for the "Well Wishes"
   / Good morning!!!! #7,524  
32 early, 55 later, 60's through Monday then back to normal. Still hearing rumblings of a possible Arctic outbreak 10-14 days down the road, I hope not.
   / Good morning!!!! #7,525  
Good morning all! It's 43 with light rain and tomorrow should hit 62. Crazy weather for January! But, it is Friday. Have a good one!

Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
   / Good morning!!!! #7,526  
Good morning! 48˚ getting to 75˚! High pink clouds, beautiful sunrise.

Ron I started a thread in front porch named "There's an app for that". When that heart attack app or the EKG app comes out I'll get my first smart phone and get a blood sensor injected. I won't waste and hour trying to figure out whats wrong, hopefully the app will tell me way in advance.

Yesterday evening was sunny and 65˚ ran 5 miles with shorts and t-shirt again.
   / Good morning!!!! #7,527  
good morning
we have light rain and fog and 33 this morning,going up to 39 today.
   / Good morning!!!! #7,528  
good morning
we have light rain and fog and 33 this morning,going up to 39 today.
   / Good morning!!!! #7,529  
-3.7/25F to start the morning. Hope it gets to +1-2C/35-37F for a high today. Last night when I went out to feed the calves around 9:30 the stars were unbelievable, so bright and crystal clear. Looks like we will have a mostly sunny but cool day today with perhaps some clouds and flurries late in the day.
Got the road graded again a couple of days ago, now it will stay frozen for a week or two so glad it's in nice shape.
Big job for today is cleaning out the big chicken :chicken: coop. Sunday morning I will pick up our 3rd calf :cow: from a town about 1¼ hour drive away, he will be a bull for about one day and then that changes.
   / Good morning!!!! #7,530  
63F and another .25 inches rain since midnight. Lumber gets delivered today. Get to separate and sort 240 pieces into two projects such I don't have to dig for what I need. Another 21 sheets of Hardie panel into the container to stay dry until needed. My back is already looking forward to quitting time LOL

Moss - Wish I had some magical words for you. Your post did make me realy appreciate how good my wife was during our construction phase living in a 16X20, 2 dogs, 2 cats, much of our stuff. Best wishes.

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