Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #8,521  
good morning well we have dodged the ice so far 34 degrees and rain and snow mixed and of course 30 mph winds. we had a nice day yesterday, needs to dry up some it's time to start plowing but way to wet now.everyone have a great day.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,522  
13 degrees here calling for another nice day then tonight look out for snow, rain ice etc! Spring around the corner.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,523  
Good morning! Rainy and 35˚ here with falling temps later today. Too many projects to do with too little time. Have a good one.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,524  
2013-02-19, 0415

9 degrees right now and a high of 41 predicted, along with snow showers.
More snow tonight, but only about an inch...we'll see.

House inspection went major issues for a 23 year old house. We'll get the radon and water test results in a couple of days. Then we have to decide about the septic system. The ground is frozen and the seller isn't sure where the tank is. There's no requirement in VT for cleanouts coming to ground level...that's interesting. The septic pumper/inspection company has ways to locate the tank (I'm assuming some type of magnetic detection), but actually getting to it might be a different story.

Roy...I assume your waste disposal system uses 3" PVC pipe, and I have never seen a line to a septic tank that curved after exiting the house so there is an excellent chance yours also runs straight. That will give you some idea of where it is located. Now, there is obviously a cleanout plug located in the PVC pipe just before it exits through the foundation, all you need to do is run a 100' (hopefully long enough) fish tape through the opening until it hits the inside of the tank, and when you pull it back (using good sanitary practices of course) you can measure the length of the tape and that will give you an idea of how far from the house the tank is.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,525  
Got first cup of coffee poured. 64 degrees with clear skies this morning. Heading to 77 with a chance for a shower. Made it back from San Antonio yesterday afternoon. Winds lived up to the forecast. 20 mph with gust up to 40. Not a problem driving in those kind of winds. But it sure cuts into fuel millage. Setting up our site for rest of winter today.
Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,526  
35 early, 52 and rain later, windy again, been windy a lot this winter. Should warm some by the weekend.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,527  
we have light snow falling and a strong wind sounds like the wind is going to be with us all day and night.its 10 degrees only getting up to 12 today.
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
32 and getting colder? today. Yuck. Need to get my taxes done. Yuck.

David, see my post on your septic thread.
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
Roy...I assume your waste disposal system uses 3" PVC pipe, and I have never seen a line to a septic tank that curved after exiting the house so there is an excellent chance yours also runs straight. That will give you some idea of where it is located. Now, there is obviously a cleanout plug located in the PVC pipe just before it exits through the foundation, all you need to do is run a 100' (hopefully long enough) fish tape through the opening until it hits the inside of the tank, and when you pull it back (using good sanitary practices of course) you can measure the length of the tape and that will give you an idea of how far from the house the tank is.

I'd just eyeball it. The tank is at least 1000 gallons, if not more, it's a big chunk of crete. This time of year, it might be easy, the snow will melt off the tank area faster than the rest of the yard. My tank leaves a rectangular bare spot!! Take a couple hot showers and see if it helps.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,530  
I'd just eyeball it. The tank is at least 1000 gallons, if not more, it's a big chunk of crete. This time of year, it might be easy, the snow will melt off the tank area faster than the rest of the yard. My tank leaves a rectangular bare spot!! Take a couple hot showers and see if it helps.

I would have suggested that Roy run a lot of hot water into his drain, but there seems to be a lot of snow in his area right now so I wondered if the hot water would heat up a 1,000 gallon tank that much.

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