GR2120 vs BX?

   / GR2120 vs BX? #21  
We recently moved to a new home in southern NH. We have a 2 acre lot with no landscaping at the moment. So I will need something to mow the lawn, help out as we garden, and remove snow from a 75’ long driveway. By the time I add a mower deck and a plow blade, both of these machines seem very pricey. The BX can do more, but at a higher cost, larger size (will need a bigger shed), and a larger turning radius.

What do you recommend?
We got a B2601 at Chappell's last fall. Nice tractor. I didn't bother with the mower deck. It gets in the way in the woods and getting through a gate. For cutting, we use a zero-turn from the Frost Farm. Snow removal is handled with a plow I share with my SSV65 skidsteer which usually has the snowblower on it. They both have quick attach and front hydraulics.
   / GR2120 vs BX?
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I have a slope on one part of the lot, so i think a zero turn mower would be a no go. Also, a zero turn mower costs a lot more than a MMM and then I have another engine to maintain and another large piece of equipment to store.

A Kubota zero turn with the same size mower would be over $7k
   / GR2120 vs BX?
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We got a B2601 at Chappell's last fall. Nice tractor. I didn't bother with the mower deck. It gets in the way in the woods and getting through a gate. For cutting, we use a zero-turn from the Frost Farm. Snow removal is handled with a plow I share with my SSV65 skidsteer which usually has the snowblower on it. They both have quick attach and front hydraulics.
How was your experience at Chappell’s?
   / GR2120 vs BX? #24  
I have a slope on one part of the lot, so i think a zero turn mower would be a no go. Also, a zero turn mower costs a lot more than a MMM and then I have another engine to maintain and another large piece of equipment to store.

A Kubota zero turn with the same size mower would be over $7k
From personal experience a Z-turn is MORE stable on slopes, both up and down and sideways. I say that after I added 2" wheel extensions to m BX.
   / GR2120 vs BX? #26  
Everything I've read says that zero turn mowers don't work on slopes.
They don't work well on WET slopes. With my BX with the spacers on & 60" mmm on the ground I can do maybe a little less than a 30 degree side slope, on a Ferris with a 60" I've done just >45 degrees sideways and almost 60 going mostly straight down. I won't even think about doing either on a tractor. Although with a tractor you can go forward DOWN a steep hill but you MUST reverse UP the same hill. Trying to forward up a slightly steep hill can flip you over backward quicker than you can think to react. Think wheelie on my HD.
   / GR2120 vs BX? #27  
How was your experience at Chappell’s?
Excellent. They gave me a good trade-in for our MF GC2300. I ended up not getting the mower deck because it would limit access to one part of the yard because of the extra width and it gets in the way when I'm picking up firewood on a trail I have. The zero-turn was about $4500 at the Frost Farm in Greenville. I have a couple of small slopes to navigate. It handles them OK.
   / GR2120 vs BX? #28  
OP: just decide on something that you can expand on for future unseen tasks. better to have the foresight than a trade in for upgrade as so many of us have done, myself included. & take your time, don't get caught in the purchase frenzy.
tractor weight & frame size are equally if not more important than mere HP

& as i always recommend on these purchase decisions, a spin around the dealer's lot is a poor way to simulate field working conditions. tractors have a way of suddenly shrinking once they're delivered on site
   / GR2120 vs BX? #29  
I looked at the GR 2120 versus BX series a few years back. I have about 3 acres that the wife insist be kept like a golf course. Also I have a drive that is sloping and curves that is about 200 ft long. Living in the polar region of Indiana, snow is a consideration. I bought the 2120 with the 54 inch deck as well as the snow blower for the front end. It runs good, takes the hills easily, and is good on fuel. I had a zero turn that I tried to use on this property, which is fairly hilly, and it was a nightmare to use. Trimming around the lake was scary, it slid out on dry hills constantly and was just not something I really wanted to deal with. It was a bad boy brand, which is great except for dealing with hills. The 2120 has more than enough power to run the mower thru anything and the snow blower will throw 6 inches of snow at a minimum 40 ft. Pulling around the wagon, lawn maintenance equipment, anything else, including ground engaging equipment is no problem for it. I opted for the diesel four-wheel drive version as it made more sense to me.
   / GR2120 vs BX? #30  
Well depends on how particular you are about your lawn. If you don't care.. then you don't need a zero turn. Same thing if you don't have time constraints.
But a zero turn mows better and faster. And there are models that are very good on slopes.
If it was me and I had the $$...I'd recommend a used BX and a used commercial zero turn. Its not really anymore maintenance as your saving hours on the tractor.
Both will hold their value pretty well and you can always upgrade. Good quality yard equipment isn't like a car/truck, they only depreciate by how long you have had it and how many hours you put on it.

And finally you have to ask yourself: are you a leatherman type of guy or would you rather have a pair of pliers, 2 screw drivers, and a pocketknife. I'm the latter. So if you arnt, you might not like my advice.

Either way.. go test drive a bunch of different stuff. At least you will have a good time!

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