Grading the driveway as the frost just begins to come out of the ground

   / Grading the driveway as the frost just begins to come out of the ground #1  


Super Member
Nov 25, 2009
Bobcat CT 235
Today was a gorgeous 33 sunny degrees in Indiana, the frost was just slightly thawing on the surface, and I had my tractor out inspecting a potential problem on the loader arms.

I decided to try to see how grading the driveway would be with a minimal thaw since I had the beginnings of potholes developing.

Honestly I have had a issue trying to get the dippsy doodles out of my 1200 foot driveway ever since I had limestone delivered 4-5 years ago and the driver over lapped the beginning of each truck load about 20 inches over the end of the last load.
I even purchased a land plane several years ago to see if it would help me fix it.

Everything I have tried have left me with about a 4" dip at each location of the overlap.

Well in any case, I decided to see what would happen today, since I had the beginnings of pot holes in all the low spots.
I had my regular back box on for ballast during the winter, and did not feel like changing to my land plane so I went ahead and graded the driveway.

I do not know if suddenly I became more skilled at grading:confused3:, or if the frost in the ground helped me to even out the humps, but the driveway is almost back to how it was before the overlapped stone delivery.
   / Grading the driveway as the frost just begins to come out of the ground #2  
Your grading down to the frost line.

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