Have tractor need something for ditch mowing

   / Have tractor need something for ditch mowing #1  


Oct 17, 2016
Mono, ON
Kubota B2620, John Deere GX255
Hi all, I have a Kubota b2620 that I use to mow about five acres with the mmm but I have a septic field I do with a push mower and ditches and road frontage that I basically don't mow. I would like to buy a used machine that I can do these things with but being a secondary machine I really want to spend as little as possible to get the job done. We have lived here seven seasons now and done fine without manicuring these areas so it's a nice to have not a need to have. The ditches are steep. Would love a JD riding mower (I believe this is what the previous owner used) but not sure how high up the price scale I need to go to have something that will work in the ditches. Thanks for any and all recommendations.
   / Have tractor need something for ditch mowing #2  
I would suggest a smaller zero turn mower with some bar tires, or weed wacking them.
   / Have tractor need something for ditch mowing #3  
I got a throw away riding lawnmower I use in my ditches. $250 Husqvarna

Bolted some lead to the back of it.

I had a craftsman that came with it that was amazing in ditches. Never stopped or tried to top it the deck was junked.

Ztr wise depends on the model. I would take my grandmas bad boy anywhere any slope. It's very stable but my buddies JD 997 I wouldnt take hardly down a drive way. It slides around way to easy
   / Have tractor need something for ditch mowing
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Thanks for the replies. Leaning away form ZTR, if I go that route I'm getting something I can do all five acres with - and I have that, my kubota tractor and MMM. I need something for the edges, septic field (can't be too heavy) and the ditches. Based on further research it seems I need something with a rear locker - so this means a JD X500 or better and something new like that is just way over budget. Looking at the older models I'm interested in some of the late 90's early 2000s stuff but ... prices are high for those, too, all things considered. I'm wondering if the diff lock is required to get at the ditches. They're pretty steep so thinking this is a yes. Grateful for recommends on older JDs with dif locks - but I would like to keep the size down, smaller is better.

Smaller mower likes the john deere D and LA "big box store" models, I know have weaker trans, but they are super cheap used around here. I wouldn't be able to do the ditches with this (and haven't done those in 7 years) but I could do the edges and septic I gather, so maybe a happy compromise.

Thanks all.
   / Have tractor need something for ditch mowing #5  
What might work on ditches depends on how steep, how wide, and how far you have to reach. Used to be that a 7' side mounted sickle bar mower took care of a lot of those situations, but that seems to be a thing of the past.

I've personally considered using a hedge trimmer attachment for extra reach cutting creek banks here, but haven't rigged it up yet. Could probably only cut 12-16" at a pass and maybe reach out about 3-4 feet. This attachment will cut briars when mounted to a gas trimmer. Amazon.com

You can also get extensions to extend the reach a bit more, but the whole thing becomes heavy to hold and is more likely to get bent if you were to somehow mount it to a riding mower.
   / Have tractor need something for ditch mowing #6  
I've seen some sickle mowers someplace. That's what grandpa used.

We have a flail ditch mower, but that little tractor may not be able to handle one. My mower weighs about 2/3 the weight of a B2620. It's a medium duty 175mm. They make lighter ones. Just not sure if the smallest one would work either.
   / Have tractor need something for ditch mowing #7  
With a light tractor a sickle bar would be your best bet.
Sickle Hedge Trimmer | Betstco Sales, Parts, and Service:

   / Have tractor need something for ditch mowing #8  
I used to do 600 feet of ditch and 300 feet of tree line with a hand held trimmer, on just about a weekly schedule. A FIMCO tank, pump and 53% glyphosate took care of that problem.
   / Have tractor need something for ditch mowing #9  
Something you can set partially on the up-hill fender and seat for counter weight and fast egress if necessary. An old 400 series John Deere garden tractor made from 1992 to 2001 worked for me.

   / Have tractor need something for ditch mowing #10  
You can get an offset flail mower. But your Kubota won't be able to take a very large one.

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