Heating with a Pellet stove.

   / Heating with a Pellet stove. #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
Anyone heat their shop with a pellet stove?

Looking for a very small stove that wont break the bank. will only be running it
while I'm working in there.

I heat my house with a Harmon coal stove for the last 10 years.
Harmon stoves are way to expensive for what I need.

   / Heating with a Pellet stove. #2  
We use a Castle serenity pellet stove for our little cottage. Works great! Has many nice features found on much more expensive units. Around $1100, they will usually go on sale for about $950-$1000.

Castle - Serenity wood pellet stove

There are 5 levels of heat / blower speed, all can be controlled from a remote. Again, I am very pleased with the unit.
   / Heating with a Pellet stove. #3  
I bypass all the sweat & bother. Heat my workshop with a propane fired salamander heater.
   / Heating with a Pellet stove. #4  
Anyone heat their shop with a pellet stove?

Looking for a very small stove that wont break the bank. will only be running it
while I'm working in there.

I heat my house with a Harmon coal stove for the last 10 years.
Harmon stoves are way to expensive for what I need.


I am in the 12168 and my neighbor has a Harmon pellet stove no longer being used you get get reasonably. You would be responsible for removing from the basement.
   / Heating with a Pellet stove. #5  
I got a used pellet stove from my FIL. Works great. Parts are easy to find. Jack Murdock's suggestion makes sense to me.
   / Heating with a Pellet stove.
  • Thread Starter
Thanks for the replies, but now I'm thinking of going electric.

Maybe one large, or two smaller ceiling units. I know electric costs more but It seem less hassle.
   / Heating with a Pellet stove. #7  
Been heating the house with a 'pellet' actually a pellet stove is a biomass stove, for 20 years now. Works good, provides supplemental heat (we use propane for the main furnace).

I typically burn 2 tons of pellets and 2 tons of shelled corn a year and I mix the corn and pellets in a 3-1 ratio, two parts pellets to one part corn. Pellets here are 215 a ton and my corn is free. I farm.

I would never consider electric heat for anything. Way too expensive. I heat my entire shop with in floor PEX and hot coolant. A 40 gallon HWH provides the heat for the PEX. Nothing beats a warm floor in the shop. I use about 800 gallons of propane every winter. My shop is 40 x 40 and the house is 1200 square feet.
   / Heating with a Pellet stove. #8  
Like any realestate agent will tell you - location, location, etc. Here, because of hydroelectric power - electricity is, far and away, the cheapest way to provide heat.
   / Heating with a Pellet stove. #9  
Make up a spreadsheet with your local cost d

Then look at your needs and how much effort you are willing to invest. The numbers are easy to pull together.

You live in NY.....think about the locations of those who offer their opinions.
   / Heating with a Pellet stove. #10  
Biomass isn't economical for me but we have it for localized heat (in the house) and it's nice to have a fire even though it's contained. It's a primal thing I guess. Penciling it out for me, propane would have to be $1.50 a gallon or higher to break even on biomass even though 1/2 of my fuel is field corn grown on my land. Getting my propane in the summer when it cheaper, I paid $1.05 this fill. I own my own tanks so I can shop around. Twin 500's filled to 85%.

Seems as though, the farther east you go, the higher the fuel cost becomes.

You might want to check out a forum like Hearth.com for advise.

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