How high is the water mama?

   / How high is the water mama? #1  


Super Star Member
Sep 6, 2003
Power-Trac 1445, KUBOTA B-9200HST
5 ft high and rising said Johnny Cash.

This was a very bad day for the owner of this tractor.


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   / How high is the water mama? #3  
5 ft high and rising said Johnny Cash.

This was a very bad day for the owner of this tractor.

Definetly not a good time to be wearing a seat belt !

great song espcailly for up here right now

YouTube - Johnny Cash - Five Feet High And Rising

Hey that is a good song, never heard it before, might be a good theme song for my waterproofing business, if I ever had a web site that would be the perfect back ground song :)

I always liked "A boy named Sue" the song that is.
Another good example of proper punctuation I guess :laughing:

   / How high is the water mama? #4  
I always liked "A boy named Sue" the song that is.
Another good example of proper punctuation I guess

:laughing: :laughing:
   / How high is the water mama? #5  
Hey the tractor matches the water color...I hope the driver was ok.. Johnny Cash is a good ole boy.
   / How high is the water mama? #6  
Oh - that's not good.
Hello, State Farm?
Whenever I hear Johnny Cash I think Ring of Fire.
   / How high is the water mama? #7  
5 ft high and rising said Johnny Cash.

This was a very bad day for the owner of this tractor.

Thanks J_J, I haven't listened to that one in a while. Oh, the picture was funny but hope everything worked out OK.

   / How high is the water mama? #8  
Just checking out some of the other Cash songs, this is another great one I've never heard before. Real American folk music.

YouTube - Johnny Cash - I Hung My Head

I don't know much about his music, except for the popular songs.

   / How high is the water mama? #9  
Just checking out some of the other Cash songs, this is another great one I've never heard before. Real American folk music.

YouTube - Johnny Cash - I Hung My Head

I don't know much about his music, except for the popular songs.


This is from the "Unearthed" CD set, a great collection of Johnny Cash music recorded very late in his career. Some real gems mixed in with some experimental stuff that really didn't work (as Cash admitted). Long live the music of the Man in Black!
   / How high is the water mama? #10  
Hung My Head is actually not written by Johnny Cash but the British singer Sting. Here is the original YouTube - Sting - I Hung My Head
Cash made an album when he covered several of songs including the old Irish ballad Oh Johny Boy, a song from the 90's by a band named Bepeche Mode, Sting and many others. Great album none the less I believe is titled The Man Comes Around. He wrote that song and what a great one Just listen
YouTube - Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around

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