Hunting FT535 Filters / fluid

   / Hunting FT535 Filters / fluid #1  


New member
Sep 12, 2023
Searched and got esl part numbers but not having luck crossing them to other filters.
Just Bought a FT535 and want to service all fluids/filters.Rather get filters that are easy to obtain but same as Napa/wix..
Looking for what you have used on your FT535 as replacement filters for past posts but theiresl numbers do not match what it says are for Ft535 farmtrac believe 2006-2008?

Fuel filter esl15357 and esl15354
Hydraulic filter esl15573
Air filters esl10221 and esl10222
oil filter esl10083

Do not believe it has coolant filter

Looking for Hydraulic fluid also and how much I will need once I drain it out of rear and mid sections.I believe I read it is UTF type fluid due to it being common to rear end , pto , steering and bucket hydraulics.Filters I will order online if possible but fluids I'll be getting local if possible at TC,Napa,local AG store..... lastly if avoidable as last resort the tractor stealer ships john deere / hoober..
Would like aftermarket filters so I can order few at a time to keep on shelf for next service so don't have to order/wait.Thanks in advance for the help. John
   / Hunting FT535 Filters / fluid #2  
Bit late but my FT535 with bucket takes hydraulic fluid Amalie245 about 7 gal. Don't try and use TS hydraulic fluid.Took few days between a prior farm trac dealer and a local napa to get right filter for the hydraulics.The proper larger Hydraulic filter is a ESL15573 or WIX 51715 filter. It has a diameter of about 4 3/8 dia x 7in long. The threads are large 40mmx2mm. This filter will dwarf the smaller filter most will try to say the ft535 takes which is wix51712.I guess if your tractor came with front bucket then you will use the larger 51715 but if not they may have just used the much smaller 51712 hydraulic filter.Do not put hydraulic fluid in the front part or gearbox , you will regret it and end up with very costly repairs.The gear box , below the gear selector arm and the high/low range selector handle takes gear oil not hydraulic fluid.The hydraulic fluid section is the rear end section.I would replace the front 1.5" rubber coupling and the 1 3/8" rubber coupling under the left foot platform while ya check your strainer filter in the rear left side round cover. Use hydraulic hose or you'll be replacing it again in 5-15 years again using reinforced radiator hose.It isn't difficult to replace either rubber coupling on the hydraulic motor on engine or the rubber coupling under left foot rest. They are not the same diameter so be aware.

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