Hydraulic tire bead breaker

   / Hydraulic tire bead breaker #1  


Super Star Member
Sep 6, 2003
Power-Trac 1445, KUBOTA B-9200HST
This is a tire bead breaker using hydraulics.

The one I have will activate the clamp cyl, but the bead breaker cyl will not extend.

There must be a sequence valve in there to accomplish the task of clamping and pushing the tire bead off the rim.

Has anyone ever worked on, repaired one of these units?



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   / Hydraulic tire bead breaker #2  
It seems too obvious but, have you checked the hydraulic fluid level?
   / Hydraulic tire bead breaker #3  
It's been years but yes there is a set of valves (ball) with springs in there

IIRC IMT was the first to develop this tool but others (chincom) have counterfeited many out there now.....

Here's to material for the IMT......Hope it helps...

   / Hydraulic tire bead breaker
  • Thread Starter
Thanks, that is just what I needed.

The unit has been setting unused for about 10 years. A friend of mine gave it to me , not knowing what it was.

With only the one cyl moving, I am betting the sequence balls and springs might need replacing or cleaned good.

The fluid was a little cloudy also.

I use motor oil for test, what weight oil should be used?
   / Hydraulic tire bead breaker #5  
Just regular jack oil with a hand hyd pump (10,000psi)

those are pretty easy to repair assuming it's not rusted stiff......some of these just sit around out in the weather in the back of service trucks, that's what does them in....
   / Hydraulic tire bead breaker #6  
G'day the one we used to have just used hyd 68 oil it was an air op pump though.
Got to be careful with them though if it did not grab the rim nice and firm it could fly off

   / Hydraulic tire bead breaker #7  
How did this repair work out for you?
I have a combi breaker. The clamp works until pressure reaches 2K and then fluid bypasses. Push cylinder never gets extended.
I did pull clamp cylinder and checked that ball. Removed the sequencing and checked that. I wouldn't know if a spring was weak.

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