I hate to see this...

   / I hate to see this... #103  
Just remember that living any place does not mean you have to stay (excepting confinement) for now.
I moved from CA to NC and once the Charlotte area got stupid moved to MO. You are only as stuck as you let yourself believe.
   / I hate to see this... #104  
Just remember that living any place does not mean you have to stay (excepting confinement) for now.
I moved from CA to NC and once the Charlotte area got stupid moved to MO. You are only as stuck as you let yourself believe.
I have visited most of the states in the union, and I’m always happy to return to Indiana
   / I hate to see this... #105  
My earliest memory of driving a tractor was picking rocks with my Dad. I have no idea how old I was, but it was definitely less than 10. I was on his old 1930's Case CC tractor, in low gear, driving from rock to rock, pulling the flat wagon behind it, while he walked. Dad had me drive because I wasn't strong enough to pick up some of the rocks, and he didn't want to have to get on and off the tractor. That CC had a hand clutch, and I didn't have strength enough to lock it in, so I'd push it with my left arm shaking to make the tractor go while steering with my right hand. I would not have been able to do the job with a foot clutch, because I wouldn't have been able to reach the pedal.
Yeah, I survived, and no one got hurt, but we were lucky. Because I was too small to operate the controls properly, I had no business being in that tractor seat.
   / I hate to see this... #106  
Just remember that living any place does not mean you have to stay (excepting confinement) for now.
I moved from CA to NC and once the Charlotte area got stupid moved to MO. You are only as stuck as you let yourself believe.
I was drafted in the early 70's, spent two years in the DC area, and as soon as I could came back home to New York.
Lots of residents have fled from NY, for what they claim are good reasons, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Third generation to live on this farm, and it was paid for before I was born. I've traveled here and there in the Northeast, and have never seen any place that is more beautiful than the views from my fields. Is it perfect? No. But, I know how to deal with the things in NY that I don't like, and I'm entirely too old to learn how to deal with new problems of living somewhere else.
   / I hate to see this... #107  
I didn't grow up on a farm. But I've spent my entire life out in the country. At the age of 6 my father bought me a shot gun and taught me how to use it. It was an over/under. 22 on top - 410 under. At the age of nine he got me a 20 gauge. Remington Wingmaster. I still have the 20 gauge. That Remington is now 72 years old.

Same with fishing. At the age of 7 I learned the fine art of flyfishing.
   / I hate to see this... #108  
I was drafted in the early 70's, spent two years in the DC area, and as soon as I could came back home to New York.
Lots of residents have fled from NY, for what they claim are good reasons, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Third generation to live on this farm, and it was paid for before I was born. I've traveled here and there in the Northeast, and have never seen any place that is more beautiful than the views from my fields. Is it perfect? No. But, I know how to deal with the things in NY that I don't like, and I'm entirely too old to learn how to deal with new problems of living somewhere else.
No argument that most of NY State is beautiful, however having to work in Manhattan and Brooklyn for more than 2 years will keep me far far away from the city or anything that place can affect..... ;)
   / I hate to see this... #109  
never seen any place that is more beautiful than the views from my fields.
I drove across NY one day on a sunny spring/summer day. I thought the area around Binghampton, NY was absolutely beautiful.

Lots of beauty in NY .... but high rise buildings maybe not so. 😃
   / I hate to see this... #110  
I have never ventured north, or east of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and as pretty as I’m sure the countryside is I’m not so sure I would enjoy much of the population……

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