I hate to see this...

   / I hate to see this... #132  
Couple of points.
You can't trust Social Media
It doesn't appear to be spewing out cut grass
Farming accidents involving children are far more frequent than you might guess.
You can't fix stupid.
Stupid people vote, procreate and home school.
My thoughts are….

Stoopid people create posts such as these

Tractor & Equipment Auctions

John Deere 450J Crawler Dozer (A36525)
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2013 FORD F250XL PICKUP TRUCK VN:1FT7W2B65DEA51464 4x4, powered by gas engine, equipped with (A37993)
2013 FORD F250XL...
82" Set of Fork Extentions (A36733)
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1365 1211-10 SUNFLOWER DISK PLOW S/N:01211E20030018 (A35840)
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