Is a "hybrid" barbed wire fence more friendly to wildlife?

   / Is a "hybrid" barbed wire fence more friendly to wildlife? #1  


Elite Member
Dec 8, 2015
North. NV, North. CA
Massey 1710 / 1758, Ventrac 4500Y / TD9
I need to add fencing near a neighbor who is doing things to make me want that. It's about 1,000 feet of fencing total.

For strength, I'm considering wood posts at end points, and also periodically along the run. The rest will be metal T-posts. 4' high.

My wife is concerned about wildlife and deer. So she is suggesting a "bare wire" for the top wire. Then used barbed wire for the rest.

Does putting a "non" barbed wire along the top make it a little more friendly for animals that jump?
   / Is a "hybrid" barbed wire fence more friendly to wildlife? #2  
Over the yrs I have seen deer caught in all types of wire fence. There are just some deer who insist upon being culled from the genepool this way. What is it you are trying to fence out with a 4ft stranded fence?
   / Is a "hybrid" barbed wire fence more friendly to wildlife? #3  
Forest Service insists on a bare wire on the bottom strand I guess so coyotes, bunnies and such don't get scarred
   / Is a "hybrid" barbed wire fence more friendly to wildlife? #4  
Please "snag" all the coyotes you can, with that fence. ;)

Deer can jump over a 4' fence without trouble. If it's barbed and the spacing is wide enough, little critters will crawl through fine. I wouldn't bother with a top wire.
   / Is a "hybrid" barbed wire fence more friendly to wildlife? #5  
So, after reading some of these post, just use bare wire? If you are just "marking" your property line, seems like bare wire would work, easier to handle, quick to put up. Animals slip through easier.
   / Is a "hybrid" barbed wire fence more friendly to wildlife? #6  
Depends on what you are trying to fence in/out. If just marking the boundary so the neighbors know, I might just run two barbless strands. Barbless is easier to work with and can be a little wildlife friendly. Wire spacing is almost as important as wire type, so they don't get a leg entangled in wires too close together. Barbed wire is used mainly for cattle, works for horses but not much else. Personally I used 3 strands of barbless for a horse pasture and it worked fine.

If wanting to contain or exclude some other types of animals, field fence is best. But a lot more expensive. Deer can easily jump over 4 ft fence. They even manage to clear the 6ft fence around my garden sometimes.

People can and will cross through any type of fence, unless its electric with no obvious gates or other ways through.

I have some neighbors I don't much appreciate. I found just clearing the line and installing t-posts worked well to let them know not to casually cross onto my land. But if I want to keep their dogs out or the goats when they escape I will eventually need a field fence.

Heavy wood posts for the ends. Preferably an H-brace and wood posts every 200-300 feet is recommended. I managed to get a hold of several old power poles and cut them to 8 ft. They make great fence corners and brace posts.
   / Is a "hybrid" barbed wire fence more friendly to wildlife?
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What is it you are trying to fence out with a 4ft stranded fence?
A new neighbor is encroaching across the property line. I need to get his encroaching items back onto his own property and then fence it to make the property line very visible and stop further encroachment. Oddly, this property line is well marked and flagged. Just a disrespectful neighbor.
   / Is a "hybrid" barbed wire fence more friendly to wildlife?
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I managed to get a hold of several old power poles and cut them to 8 ft. They make great fence corners and brace posts.
Very good suggestion. I have some old power poles laying around and they will be put into service!!!!
   / Is a "hybrid" barbed wire fence more friendly to wildlife? #9  
Very good suggestion. I have some old power poles laying around and they will be put into service!!!!
The newer poles are not good for reuse. The preservatives are designed to quickly leach in soil and provide barrier. Doesn’t work for reuse
   / Is a "hybrid" barbed wire fence more friendly to wildlife? #10  
Oddly enough, we had a young deer get caught in a woven wire fence yesterday. By the time I saw it, it was already dead. So, barbs were not an issue.