Is John Deere phasing out the 4024T engine.

   / Is John Deere phasing out the 4024T engine. #1  


New member
Jun 13, 2014
John Deere 4320
I was just surfing JD site and see they have a new 4 series compact tractor They have the "4x20" series tractors as well. New one's look nice but they have a Yanmar engine. Also, you can't go to their "build your own" for the older series tractors - only the new ones. So I got to looking around on JD's site and I don't see any Tier 4 4024 engines anywhere - industrial, marine, generators. I notice the new 4000 series tractor's have tier 4 Yanmars (big honking DPF on top of engine). I'm thinking the older tractors are being phased out and JD is not going to make the 4024 anymore (the EPA has killed another engine). I really like my 4320 and wouldn't think of any other compact tractor. But if you can't get a JD engine, why bother. I see they do have a 2.9l tier 4 engine in the industrial line. Maybe it'll find its way into the tractors later? Anyone with more info?
   / Is John Deere phasing out the 4024T engine. #2  
That's true...the new 4xxxx series tractors will have Yanmar engine and the Powertech engine is being phased least for tractors (I'd guess they'll still be used in some industrial and marine applications...strictly a guess on my part).
The Yanmar engines will have less torque, but will likely be more frugal with fuel and easier starting in cold weather.
   / Is John Deere phasing out the 4024T engine. #3  
That's true...the new 4xxxx series tractors will have Yanmar engine and the Powertech engine is being phased least for tractors (I'd guess they'll still be used in some industrial and marine applications...strictly a guess on my part).
The Yanmar engines will have less torque, but will likely be more frugal with fuel and easier starting in cold weather.
They quit puting the 4024 powertech in their skidloaders too. I was sorry to see it go. I think you are right that they will still be using the engine for stationary applications (maybe epa regulations are different for stationary applications?).
I don't see how the Yanmar could be any better on cold starting, the deere engine starts great in the cold.
   / Is John Deere phasing out the 4024T engine. #4  
I don't see how the Yanmar could be any better on cold starting, the deere engine starts great in the cold.

Since I have no experience with the Powertech engines, I can only relate what I've read on TBN...apparently some folks have had cold start problems.
As I've had three Deeres with Yanmar engines, I can attest to their easy cold starts...although I still recommend using a block heater.
   / Is John Deere phasing out the 4024T engine. #5  
I know on the skid loaders (I assume same engine) was being replaced by Yanmar due to not meeting the Tier 4 emissions.
   / Is John Deere phasing out the 4024T engine. #6  
I don't see how the Yanmar could be any better on cold starting, the deere engine starts great in the cold.

Having one of each I have to say the Deere engine requires holding the key to start t crank it up while the Yanmar only needs you to bump the starter. Not a big deal but I have noticed this.

Sorry to see the 4024T go but at least it is being replace with a good engine. Wish the pickup trucks the last 10 years or so could have made such a smooth transition.
   / Is John Deere phasing out the 4024T engine. #7  
Having one of each I have to say the Deere engine requires holding the key to start t crank it up while the Yanmar only needs you to bump the starter. Not a big deal but I have noticed this.

Sorry to see the 4024T go but at least it is being replace with a good engine. Wish the pickup trucks the last 10 years or so could have made such a smooth transition.

Yeah, I do use the glow plugs when cold. My x748 doesn't start near as good, but I suspect that is because it is indirect injected.
   / Is John Deere phasing out the 4024T engine. #8  
I strongly considered buying a new, cab model 4066R. I've owned a couple of Yanmar powered Deere's and still have a 110TLB. Great engines. Reliable, great fuel economy, and great power for their displacement. But.... I just couldn't get past the loss of 4hp @ pto and the drop in hydraulic performance. And the pollution control features with the high idle "burnout" cycle...

Couldn't convince myself that I should pay more for less - ya know? So, I jumped on a lightly used 4024T in a cab 4720. We'll see how parts and support for those engines holds up during the next 10 years or so.

   / Is John Deere phasing out the 4024T engine. #9  
hello, what problems in general have the john deere 4024 tf 270 engine? I saw many people complain about these engine.

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