Is sub compact big enough?

   / Is sub compact big enough? #21  
It's not all about HP. Some of the small utility tractors didn't have much horsepower, but I wouldn't call them sub compact. You saw them more 20/30 years ago than now.
These were real little tractors. But smaller. Apparently they were normal ag machines in a lot of the world, they just looked funny by US standards.
They had most big tractor features: a 15 to 18 hp diesel, 4wd with regular differential lock, steering brakes. A 6 or 8 speed standard transmission with high and low range, a regular size PTO., a real loader with a full length subframe that would handle 750 lbs. and a full size cat 1 3pt hitch that would lift 1000 lbs at the hitch points. Extra hydraulic and PTO if wanted.
There's still a few around.
   / Is sub compact big enough? #22  
Already have zero turn. 100 hours may be exaggerated. The point being that I would use a SCUT for twice as many tasks as a larger tractor.
If you have a zero turn for mowing, why would you want a SCUT when you have 18 acres? Most people buy SCUTs when they are going to use it for yard mowing and a few other tasks. You already have a yard mower, so buy a CUT for doing other tasks on your land.
   / Is sub compact big enough? #23  
It's not all about HP. Some of the small utility tractors didn't have much horsepower, but I wouldn't call them sub compact. You saw them more 20/30 years ago than now.
These were real little tractors. But smaller. Apparently they were normal ag machines in a lot of the world, they just looked funny by US standards.
They had most big tractor features: a 15 to 18 hp diesel, 4wd with regular differential lock, steering brakes. A 6 or 8 speed standard transmission with high and low range, a regular size PTO., a real loader with a full length subframe that would handle 750 lbs. and a full size cat 1 3pt hitch that would lift 1000 lbs at the hitch points. Extra hydraulic and PTO if wanted.
There's still a few around.

I downsized from my Yanmar YM240 (24 hp) to a YM186D (18hp, power steering, PowerShift) and the little guy is far more useful. It runs a 4 ft rotary mower fine. It's working its heart out with the 55 inch rototiller that belongs with the YM240 but its doable. If it could lift the 750 lb backhoe that I need to remove stumps in the apple orchard, then I wouldn't need the larger tractor at all.

Do a careful survey of what you need a tractor for, buy accordingly. That heavy JD sounds like overkill for your application!



   / Is sub compact big enough?
  • Thread Starter
Good advice. I made a list of all the tasks I would use a tractor for. I then put a rating of 1-5 for each task on how well a SCUT or CUT would work for that. The SCUT scored 93, CUT scored 84. They both had one zero.

I'm curious to hear from others who "bought too small" and later traded up. I'm esp. referring to purchasing used. Did you lose money in the process?
   / Is sub compact big enough? #25  
I have a BX, and am looking at Grand Ls now. I have come to the preliminary conclusion that for the work I do, the BX is better suited because the Grand L would be limited in wooded areas because of its size. No doubt the Grand L would be faster at some tasks, but would not be able to get in some areas where I take the BX.

What I intend to do is rent a compact tractor for a day to test out the larger size. It is worth the rental fee to help make a decision.

I would assume rental places around you will have SCUTs available so you can see if they are up to the tasks you want a tractor to perform.

As far as loosing money on trading, we are in strange times. Used tractors in good condition are bringing crazy money. Messicks has a good video on tractor depreciation. May want to take a look at that.
   / Is sub compact big enough? #26  
If you need a SCUT, buy one, but personally I would keep the 2010 for when you need to blow snow, run a chipper, brush hog a field, etc. The 2010 was designed as a real tractor used in Agriculture and designed to last and to work hard. The SCUT is a rich man’s toy and useful life is measured in hundred of hours and not thousands. Buy the right tool for the job but if I could only have one I would keep the larger 2010, with regular maintenance your kids could probably use it for their life too.
   / Is sub compact big enough? #27  
Nothing runs like a Deere...... away from a Kioti !
   / Is sub compact big enough? #28  
I looked at Tractordata's description of the GC1705. It seems comparable to my 40 year old YM186D with only a couple of differences: double my 550 lb 3-point lift capacity, and the Massey has 3 inches less ground clearance.

I wouldn't consider the Massey if it doesn't have a loader.

Look again at my photos above, and consider if something that small is a good match for your application. You didn't describe any real farming, just grounds and forest maintenance, and snow removal, so the little GC1705 might be all you need for your application. But if it is deficient in any aspect then by all means, go larger.
   / Is sub compact big enough? #29  
As if there aren't enough of these threads! Sort of an old question I know. I've been eyeing a newer tractor for a long time. Was hoping the market prices would correct themselves, but it don't look like that will happen soon.

I own 18 acres (no hills). 2-3 around the buildings, 10 acres field (rented out), 6 acres woods. I've got access to large tractors if needed for any ag type work. I cut 4-6 cords of firewood every year, but mostly not in my own woods. I've owned a JD 2010 with loader for 2+ years. It's had its typical problems, but I knew that going in. I only put 15-20 hrs on it a year, mostly cutting firewood and doing random loader work. The 3pt hitch is nearly useless so that has kept me from doing any brush cutting, etc.

If money and space were no object I would buy a 40 hp tractor and a SCUT as well. In reality, I've got 4 children to feed and clothe so $ is an issue! I'm mechanically inclined with 2 diesel mechanics in the family so I'm not afraid of used machines.

I really like the Kubota L30 series (31-43 hp) they seem like a good fit and value, but I'm not ready to pay that much just yet. I keep coming back to the SCUT class for 2 reasons: price and "handiness". I have to ask myself, what could a small tractor not do that I really HAVE to do? FEL lift height and capacity are really the biggest disadvantages of the SCUT. But then, it would take a 60+ hp tractor to really lift everything I would like.

A local Massey ferguson dealer has a used GC1705 coming in next week. I told him to call me when it does. With a tractor this size, I would probably use it 60-100 hrs per year. It bugs me that a larger compact tractor would sit in the barn unused much of the year. Purchasing a small tractor would also allow me to sell my Simplicity Sovereign garden tractor. (Have ZTR for lawn). Having 1 machine instead of 2 would be great. The Simplicity is mostly used for snowblowing (2010 is way too clumsy), lawn rolling, pulling sm trailer loads of mulch, and navigating the narrow trails in the woods.

Feel free to comment on any of the above. Several questions in addition:
How much will a GC1705 (or similar) track up a soft lawn or trail?

Will it run a 5ft brush cutter? Dealer says it will. By brush cutter I really just mean tall grass.

Is it dumb to purchase a tractor as a 2-5 year 'trial'?
A SCUT is for the 1 or 2 acres around your home…and they are great at it. Very maneuverable, not too heavy, versatile…If you keep and mow 1 or 2 acres around your home they are the way to go. For 18 acres of property maintenance…you are barking up the wrong tree.

If all you want to do is mow a bit, why not look at a Kubota L01 series or equivalent other brand? They run a rotary cutter on flat ground just fine (L2501 and up). It also wont cost you that much more $$.

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