JD 4300 lower radiator hose

   / JD 4300 lower radiator hose #1  


Silver Member
Mar 4, 2007
Milton NH
2001 JD 4300
Does anyone know the size of the lower Radiator hose on a 2001 jd 4300 it looks like 11/4 . I am planning on putting an in line block heater in the hose. Thank you for your help
   / JD 4300 lower radiator hose #2  
Does anyone know the size of the lower Radiator hose on a 2001 jd 4300 it looks like 11/4 . I am planning on putting an in line block heater in the hose. Thank you for your help
I don't have a JD ,but was just talking to one of there parts guy this morning and he wanted to know if you had a gear tractor . I said you hadn't said so he gave me this number to call 717-249-2313 model #M125-009 and they could help you out .Might give it a try.
   / JD 4300 lower radiator hose #3  
You have a Yanmar 3TNE84 engine, correct? Does it have a plug like the one circled? If so, you can screw in a block heater there. The heater I use is the ZeroStart 3100003, it runs about $30 bucks.

   / JD 4300 lower radiator hose
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Yes it is a gear with shuttle shift, It is also a yanma 3 cyl. The biggest reason I have thought about putting an in-line in is because its winter here it looks easier to install instead of the screw in heater. The tractor has had a hard time starting lately due to the cold . This really the first time cence I bought it new and never had trouble before but some of the coldest weather I have ever seen. I did find a bad battery cable last night. I also found that a trickle charger that I had installed a few years ago is only about half charging so I plan on changing that stuff tommowor
   / JD 4300 lower radiator hose #5  
You will have to drain antifreeze either way, maybe more for the hose heater. I think the block heater will work better also??
   / JD 4300 lower radiator hose #7  
Lower radiator hose heaters in the highest wattage work very well when you have nothing else and a mallter engine. But! If all you need to do to install a factory style block heater on your tractor is unscrew a pipe plug in the block and replace it with a heated element that would be more direct to heat the engines block and not to mention very close to the cylinder walls. If an engine block works efficiently it can heat the engines head(s) and near the combustion chamber as well as the hot coolant is rising and cycling through the engine's cooling system.

I have heard bad things about installing freeze plug type element heaters. They can leak.

If you have the pipe plug and option to install an actual factory style block heater go for it! That's your best bet! My old mf25 diesel needs a block heater and I may have to install a lower radiator hose heater element.

Before attempting to remove the plug soak it with penetrating oil: PB blaster liquid wrench or deep creep work well. Use only extent ions and ratchets that are square and use positive smooth pressure to remove the plug.
What I have at work for semi truck repairs are hose pinch off pliers to prevent the possibility of having to drain large coolant system. I have two of these locking pliers and work well but locking needle nose vice grips can work well too! Block off the lower radiator hose and you may be able to remove the plug without losing a lot of coolant.

By the way if zero start is a very good block heater manufacture. They are sold at orielly auto parts.
If anyone is to install a lower radiator hose type heater remember to install it with coolant being heated from the ratiator to the engine bringing coolant from the radiator to the water pump and circulating throgh the engine .
   / JD 4300 lower radiator hose
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well guys I have to thank you, tonight you opened my eyes . I remember my owners manual mentioning the air box heater. but I could have sworn it said turn to the assesoriy position but it never worked. Well I just went out and tried to start it and it was sluggish and did not start. I preheated it and it started after a couple of cranks. Thanks guys , I still plan on fixing the battery proplems tomorrow.

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