Buying Advice Just buy the darn tractor

   / Just buy the darn tractor #1  


Silver Member
May 9, 2021
Massey 2706e
To all the people, waiting around, thinking prices will come down
Or waiting for some bargain deal
Or thinking the next year’s model may be better.
My advice
If you are wanting, or needing a tractor
And can afford it
Buy the darn tractor
As I have hit my late 40s,
(I know, just a kid to a lot of people on here)
I have a new sense of our fragility and mortality.
Within the last month, my wife has lost
2 friends to unexpected illnesses
A brother to a heart attack
Another friend diagnosed with stage 4 cancer
We know 2 people, who were just diagnosed with ALS
All these people are/were under 50

I have disabling health issues, but can still lead a mostly “normal” life, just not every day.
But I am lucky, compared to others
Life is short, enjoy it while you are here
Buy the darn tractor
I just bought my most recent one last week
A new Kubota L5460,
it will be the fanciest
most comfortable,
tractor I’ve ever had,
But life is short and I plan to enjoy it
   / Just buy the darn tractor #3  
That's what I am doing. Enjoying life now. Before the snowflakes ban the sale of everything except pot. After all they even want to ban beef cattle and all forms of food as we know it. They just want a future of holding hands smoking pot smelling the flowers.

And no point keeping money in the bank. Can't trust them anyway. Look at what our leaders did to the participants in the trucker protests.....freezed and took all their bank accounts.

Or these war mongering lunatics in these other countries are going to blow us up may as well buy toys and enjoy while you can. LOL
   / Just buy the darn tractor #4  
In the last 4 years I don't think I have had a better store of wealth than my tractor and equipment purchases. It seems that the iron appreciates faster than i can deprecate it. And I am making good money with the equipment to boot.
   / Just buy the darn tractor #5  
In the last 4 years I don't think I have had a better store of wealth than my tractor and equipment purchases. It seems that the iron appreciates faster than i can deprecate it. And I am making good money with the equipment to boot.
How true. I've always said......the two best investments you can ever make are real estate and tractors. The only two things I never lose money on.
   / Just buy the darn tractor #6  
In Economics we call this FOMO - Fear of Missing out.

FOMO is a classic inflation response that actually drives inflation higher. It's actually irrational fear.

Interest rates hikes were paused temporarily yesterday, but it was noted rates will need to be raised later in the year. Again, this creates FOMO and it will actually drive up prices in the short term.

If history proves correct, prices will have to go lower in about 12-18 months as all the demand will be brought forward. The fed should just let interest rates be set by the market. It will take the overshooting of poor timing out of the equation.
   / Just buy the darn tractor #7  
Taking the spring seasonality out of it, real estate price curve has generally tipped negative.

This fed isn't our father's fed.
   / Just buy the darn tractor #8  
To all the people, waiting around, thinking prices will come down
Or waiting for some bargain deal
Or thinking the next year’s model may be better.
My advice
If you are wanting, or needing a tractor
And can afford it
Buy the darn tractor
As I have hit my late 40s,
(I know, just a kid to a lot of people on here)
I have a new sense of our fragility and mortality.
Within the last month, my wife has lost
2 friends to unexpected illnesses
A brother to a heart attack
Another friend diagnosed with stage 4 cancer
We know 2 people, who were just diagnosed with ALS
All these people are/were under 50

I have disabling health issues, but can still lead a mostly “normal” life, just not every day.
But I am lucky, compared to others
Life is short, enjoy it while you are here
Buy the darn tractor
I just bought my most recent one last week
A new Kubota L5460,
it will be the fanciest
most comfortable,
tractor I’ve ever had,
But life is short and I plan to enjoy it
Right you are. In hindsight I would have been better off to have bought the right tractor at your age or before. Would have gotten more done and had fun doing it. But I didn't, & will admit that I actually enjoyed doing hard work by hand. Maybe there is a health beneftit there, too.

Anyway, I agree with buying one now and wish I had been smart enough to do so.
But with two caveats:
First is which tractor is right? It took me lots of experience to get to the right one.
Second is I wouldn't buy anything that required more hours working to pay off the debt than it was going to save.
   / Just buy the darn tractor #10  
Ahh, the "existentialism + economics = buy a tractor" thread.

I couldn't agree more. If you can cover your tractor bill without jeopardizing your lifestyle, retirement, future plans...then now is the best time to buy that machine you need. I bought a mini excavator and a track loader this year with this justification. I'm 55 and nearing retirement and am ready to buy the right tools to do the jobs I want to do when I want to do them.

I'm not sure anyone thinks that new tractor prices are going to lower. Anyone who thinks that hasn't been paying attention to tractor prices...

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