Just missed the Buffalo snowstorm.

   / Just missed the Buffalo snowstorm. #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
I live about 30 miles south of Buffalo, NY. I was lucky and only got about 15" of snow. They say the snow band is coming back tonight.

My little orange lawn mower did a pretty good job with what we had. I'll have to break out the JD if **** gets serious.

Kubota plow.jpg
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   / Just missed the Buffalo snowstorm. #2  
Chains for the win, I see so many articulating front loaders getting stuck in Buffalo/Hamburg NY area. Chains are vital.
   / Just missed the Buffalo snowstorm. #4  
At least you have flat land! 1500 feet of my driveway is 10% grade. And we normally get sleet and freezing rain before snow!

In the past, we had two 2-week periods where the only way up and down the driveway was with a 4-wheeler with chains!
   / Just missed the Buffalo snowstorm.
  • Thread Starter
The Lake Erie snow machine always dumps on Buffalo until the lake ices over. Every year.
Actually it usually dumps on us south of Buffalo. It missed me by 5 miles.
   / Just missed the Buffalo snowstorm. #7  
I watch videos and news reports of 5' of snow and it never looks like that much to me. I see shots of horses walking in the snow, for example, and it comes up to their knees, maybe. They must be really tall horses!
   / Just missed the Buffalo snowstorm. #8  
I'm just glad that we very seldom get lake effects snows here and when we do it's only measured in inches not feet. You can keep it all back there.
   / Just missed the Buffalo snowstorm. #9  
I watch videos and news reports of 5' of snow and it never looks like that much to me. I see shots of horses walking in the snow, for example, and it comes up to their knees, maybe. They must be really tall horses!
I would guess that the wind blows it off the fields, as well as settles it down a bit. I remember driving back to my motel in a snowstorm the first time that I worked in New York. Somewhere outside of Boonsville (sp?) the highway went through some big fields; the wind caused such a whiteout that I had to look at my speedometer to make sure I had stopped.
   / Just missed the Buffalo snowstorm. #10  
We were lucky here. We got just a couple of inches from the tail end of the lake Erie band. Big lake effect does happen here at times but mostly when the wind is from the northwest and lines up from Georgian Bay across Lake Ontario.

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