Kubota B2650HSD Hydraulic Drain Points

   / Kubota B2650HSD Hydraulic Drain Points #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 5, 2013
Kubota B2650HST. Kubota Z125S
I am doing the 50 hour service today. Engine oil is not a problem. I am unsure where the drain points are for the transmission and hydraulic fluids. I do know that there are 2 plugs under the axles, but are there others? Thanks for the help.
   / Kubota B2650HSD Hydraulic Drain Points #2  
My similar B3030 has two the two plugs you've found as well a main sump plug and another one near the mid-PTO shaft.
Your operators manual will show the procedure in great detail!
Good Luck!
   / Kubota B2650HSD Hydraulic Drain Points
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Thanks number two, I will review the manual again but it just shows the two axle drains and other that says B3050.
   / Kubota B2650HSD Hydraulic Drain Points #4  
You might want to review your manual before you drain the hst. I think it requires filters only.
   / Kubota B2650HSD Hydraulic Drain Points #5  
Yes, filters only at 50 hours.
   / Kubota B2650HSD Hydraulic Drain Points
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Thanks all, I will do filters only.
   / Kubota B2650HSD Hydraulic Drain Points
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I did the whole hydraulic system yesterday. When I loosened the HST filter, just a little fluid came out and I put on a new filter. The suction filter was different, all fluid poured out into the bucket when I unscrewed it. I suppose I could have put the new one on right away but was not ready. No problem, all is put back together now.

Oh yeah, back to my original question: there are 2 drain plugs, one at the bottom of each axle (12 mm), and a 17 mm plug near the mid PTO. I did not see any others. Got about 14 quarts out of the system so it drained pretty good.
   / Kubota B2650HSD Hydraulic Drain Points #8  
If you block the breather tube, you won't lose much fluid at all -- usually a couple drops. Some folks use a shop vac to provide suction, but I found that blocking the breather is enough. Have the new filter ready to go, pre-filled with some new fluid.
   / Kubota B2650HSD Hydraulic Drain Points #9  
Guys. When I had my b2320 I recall driving my tractor on a steep bank sideways. This put the suction filter on the "high side" of the machine. I recall very little oil leaked when I remove the filter

My b2650 is coming up on 50 hrs / hst and suction filter service.

Has anyone tried what I'm taking about with success? Wonder if it works for the b2650 too

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