Limburger and onions sandwiches?

   / Limburger and onions sandwiches? #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
My dad was Irish, and my mom was German. Every once in a while, Mom would fix up some Limburger and onions sandwiches. As a kid, I thought it smelled like baked gym socks. I would never try it. Hell, they used to keep it in a mason jar in the fridge because it was so horrible.

Now that I'm their age, I would like to see if there is something to their love of them. My sweety and I are going to give it a try.

Any experience, advice, or recipes you all have to share?

   / Limburger and onions sandwiches? #2  
Yes, it tastes like gym socks dragged through a backcountry outhouse to me, but go for it. My dad loved it and I can't get far enough away.

I don't eat surströmming either.
   / Limburger and onions sandwiches? #3  
nothing ventured = nothing gained or lost. Might gain a food you like or might lose your sense of taste😁😁
   / Limburger and onions sandwiches?
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Yes, it tastes like gym socks dragged through a backcountry outhouse to me, but go for it. My dad loved it and I can't get far enough away.

I don't eat surströmming either.
   / Limburger and onions sandwiches? #5  
That remonds me of when my dad would make peanut butter, banana and mayo sandwiches. I still almost gag just thinking about them.
   / Limburger and onions sandwiches? #6  
I'd rather eat the scent sack from a road kill skunk on a hot day.

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