Long distance tractor inspection service......

   / Long distance tractor inspection service...... #1  


Veteran Member
May 25, 2000
Badlands of Alberta
Ok guys,I have a question.....Lately I've been getting emails about locating tractors and parts up here for guys in the States. So if I was to offer a locating service that also offered checking over of the tractors would you guys pay for it? I'd look at the tractor,drive it,check it over,take pics,and give a honest opinion of it's condition. How much would this service be worth?
   / Long distance tractor inspection service...... #2  
Woodbeef, I have no idea what it would be worth, but I think it's a great idea. I know I'd sure feel better to have someone like you check out a tractor befroe I bought it long distance. As to the price, I guess it depends on how much you'd be saving to get the tractor in Canada as opposed to the US.
   / Long distance tractor inspection service...... #3  
Interesting idea Woodbeef.

Your profile doesn't indicate that you're involved in any kind of dealership or parts supply operation. Just wondering why people are asking you for this kind of information?

My first thought was that I probably wouldn't consider using this kind of service myself. That's not to say that others wouldn't though. But what would the attraction be? Can a person save that much on a tractor purchase in Canada to make up the difference it would cost to have the machine shipped somewhere in the U.S.? I'd find that difficult to believe.

Certainly a lot of people have purchased tractors from a dealer a long way away. But these purchases are usually for new machines. Your idea implies that you would be providing this service when a used tractor was being considered for purchase.

I'm sorry, but I just can't see this thing working. The idea is good, but I certainly wouldn't add the cost of this kind of service to what a used tractor will cost if I'm trying to save money. And the service wouldn't be needed for a new machine. If the buyer is located closer to you, then I'd say that it could be a valuable service.

Good luck with your idea. I hope it works out for you. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
   / Long distance tractor inspection service...... #4  
Garry, I think Woodbeef is primarily refering to agricultural tractors, which can be quite a bit cheaper in Canada. I know that Woodbeef is a buffalo farmer, with quite a bit of experience and knowledge regarding agricultural tractors.

I know that I would be interested in his services, eventually. I'm going to be looking for a 60 - 100 hp tractor with a loader, and cab in the future, but, I don't have the money for it, yet. I will probably be looking for something at least 30 years old, to save money. I have seen ads for agricultural tractors from dealers in Canada, in publications like Fastline, that can be quite a saving.
   / Long distance tractor inspection service...... #5  
Yes RichZ there can be a saving although I have no idea why I'am creating more competition for myself. A couple years ago our dollar was around 63 cents US which automatically gave you a 1/3 less discount on anything bought here. Diffrerent dealers I've priced tractors[used] from have refused to lower the price asked saying that they'll probably load it up and take it stateside and get what they want. Different dealers here have partners in business there and keep trucks rolling back and forth on a regular schedule. Lately our dollar has been creeping up to the high 70's so the difference hence the savings will be less.
   / Long distance tractor inspection service...... #6  

O.K. That makes a little more sense. I guess I didn't realize what a difference it could make for a larger ag tractor. Thanks for the clarification.

Oh, and Woodbeef - now that Rich has mentioned that he'd be interested in using your services, it sounds to me like you should be able to contact him.....oh, let me see.......at LEAST once a week to make sure that he doesn't forget you! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
   / Long distance tractor inspection service...... #7  
I certainly would have used this kind of service several years ago when I bought my CUT. I researched and made my choice for a specific tractor, then spent 6 months looking for one. I ended up buying a one-year-old machine with 90 hours on it from a dealer that was more than 1000 miles away. I saved $8000 over the price of a brand new machine configured exactly the same. I would have felt much more comfortable about the purchase if I could have hired an "expert" to inspect it and provide a report. There are definitely some price differences between the northeast US and other parts of the country.

As it turned out, it was a great purchase and my Cub provides excellent service with almost no problems.
   / Long distance tractor inspection service...... #8  
Woodbeef, this won't work. I don't mean you won't be helpful. You will probably be very helpful. But you won't be paid. People usually don't understand/appreciate the worth of a service. But, I have a suggestion to you. Lets say you are asked about a tractor a person is about to buy. Lets say he/she asks you if that tractor is worth of $6000. He/she thinks he is ready to pay that amount. Then, study about the pictures&info of tractor you are sent by that person. Lets say you think its true worth is $4000. But don't say this to that potential buyer. Ask him to send you $5000. Buy it from the seller for $4000 and sell it to the buyer for $5000 and make $1000. And, send my $500 for this advice lol.
   / Long distance tractor inspection service...... #9  
Some thing is just not right here. hmmmm

DougM /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
   / Long distance tractor inspection service...... #10  
Woodbeef -I'm local to you - I'll help out.

I think the service has a lot of merit. Not just tractors, but attachments as well. For you US guys, the short answer is that you can save 1/3 of your cost on many things by buying in Canada. Our prices on many items are dollar for dollar matches with the equivalent item in the US. Other items are higher priced here, but when the exchange is taken into account still come out cheaper. But regardless of that, having someone local inspect something you're interested before driving would be worthwhile, savings or not.

To make the service work, I think you would need a couple of things.
A checklist for the service, and a guarantee as to accuracy would be minimum. A full suite of digital photos, and possibly video as well. And payment up front for the service, whether purchased or not. Would be best if you could establish a network of inspectors so you could dispatch the closest to any given unit.

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