Long road to home.

   / Long road to home. #211  
Lee, I have been enjoying your thread! Keep up the great work, and keep the pics coming!

   / Long road to home. #212  
And then I got sick. Some nasty cold. Ashamed to say it laid me up for Wednesday and Thursday. I managed to crawl out of bed long enough to cut enough purlins for the trusses I have up. Got a few rows nailed down before I was spent. Jeez, I sound like an old man.

why be ashamed? if you're sick, you're sick.
   / Long road to home.
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Thanks for the kind words guys. I am taking it slow today. There are some little things that I can work on, nothing exciting or picture worthy. Although I did snap a picture of my "helper".


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   / Long road to home. #214  
Thanks for the kind words guys. I am taking it slow today. There are some little things that I can work on, nothing exciting or picture worthy. Although I did snap a picture of my "helper".

It appears he is lay down on the job,literally. :eek:
   / Long road to home.
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Feeling much better, thanks to the wonder of modern pharmacology. Spent the afternoon putting purlins on the west roof. Wasn't bad at all. I did hand nail them. I didn't want to try and balance the air nailer up there and have to drag the hose back and forth. I would say it took about 2 1/2 hours by myself.

   / Long road to home. #217  
Interesting to follow... I have done some stick framing start to finish... never a pole barn.
   / Long road to home. #218  
I've found that when you're feeling low and need someone to make sure you get your rest so you can recover, a retriever parked on your chest does a pretty good job.
Sunny Nap Enforcer.jpg
   / Long road to home.
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I've found that when you're feeling low and need someone to make sure you get your rest so you can recover, a retriever parked on your chest does a pretty good job.
<img src="http://www.tractorbynet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=323739"/>

That's usually how ours wakes us up!
   / Long road to home.
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With some help from a couple cousins the east roof trusses are up and we managed to get the purlins on that side as well. Once again the tractor and boom proved invaluable.

I have not installed the stairs yet. I think I am going to wait until we have it dried in. I don't want the plywood risers to delaminate.

Tomorrow I'll probably be by myself again. It may be a good day to get the landing built foe the stairs, or layout the headers for second floor roof.

Well anyway here's today's progress picture.


It is starting to look like a barn. :)

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