Looking at a 2002 Challenger MT 295

   / Looking at a 2002 Challenger MT 295 #1  


Dec 12, 2022
Satoh 650g
Hi Guys,

I'm going to check this old girl out. Less than 400hrs and supposed to be in great shape. Looks good in the photos. Around $15K. Dealer has a pretty good reputation from what I have found online and sounded like a straight shooter when we spoke.

I've read they are decent tractors and same same but different color to MF models.

What's been your experience and are parts still readily available?

I will be doing my own maintenance/work on it even though I've never worked on a diesel engine before.

Whilst I would love a newer tractor, I also couldn't afford the same HP, plus I don't want to be reliant on a dealer for any work that may be required on it or anything to do with a computer.

I have a 5 acre property that I have atv trails on, that I want to maintain. I also have some dirt removal/land re shaping that I want to do with my 72" woods box blade. My old 25hp 2wd Satoh keeps breaking under the strain and I'm tired of working on it, not with it. I definitely don't want another project tractor but for my limited use can't squeeze any more out of the budget. This tractor seems like the best bang for the buck that I've been able to find within a 7hr round trip from me.

Thanks, B.
   / Looking at a 2002 Challenger MT 295 #2  
Did you buy it? I had an MT 295 with a cab and thought it was a fantastic little tractor.
   / Looking at a 2002 Challenger MT 295
  • Thread Starter
Did you buy it? I had an MT 295 with a cab and thought it was a fantastic little tractor.
I did not. Decided I didn't want to buy another orphan tractor. Ended up getting a Kubota L2501 and glad that I did.

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