Lx4100 rear light

   / Lx4100 rear light #1  


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2010
'13 Yanmar Lx4100
Figured some of you would like to know there is an accessory plug at the rear of the LX models. Between the right side of the fuel tank and ROPS there is an unused plug that is wired to ignition power. My Ex3200 had this same plug so I believe its for a rear light that I havnt heard anything about, buts its nice to wire something up to see the 3pt at night.
   / Lx4100 rear light #2  
Cool! Looks like my connector is wrapped in tape, so I never noticed it until you mentioned it.

Here's what the rear light kit assembly looks like. It can swivel around and be used as front and side lighting as well.

I cobbled my own lights together using LED flood lights off amazon.com and ran a fused wire and switch off the battery. I think I'll keep my work lights wired as-is for now, but I would like to use the accessory wire for extra dome/station lighting. Thanks for letting us know!
   / Lx4100 rear light
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Yep, wrapped in a white tape mine was, PITA to get to though, its jammed in there good. I know my EX had one so I thought I'd look in the general area and there it twas. My first clue was the extra fuse in the fuse box, forget what it was labeled as but it stood out.
   / Lx4100 rear light #4  
Awesome info! I am just about to wire up my rops mounted amazon LED's as well, and this will make it a lot simpler.

Katahdin, where do you find those parts book graphics? I accidentally broke the large plastic switch blank/ cover to the left of the steering column and need to order a replacement ( I need to find the part number) ....care to share your source?
   / Lx4100 rear light #5  
My source is a cub-cadet parts manual: Download Cub Cadet Lx410 Part List Manual

I am not sure tho if the Cub part numbers carry over to the current Yanmar ones. In any event, any Yanmar tractor dealer should have a computer system where you can lookup part numbers and costs from parts diagrams . I've seen the system when looking over my dealer's shoulder to order replacement three point stabilizer parts.
   / Lx4100 rear light #6  
Puck-grinder....great info on that plug. I used that for power for my LED upgrade.

I added 2 lights facing forward on the ROPS, and 2 facing backward.


Makes a big difference at night...should make plowing snow after dark a lot easier.




   / Lx4100 rear light #7  
Dang, that looks nice! I especially like the enhanced front view, I gotta get moving on installing my front LEDS now. :thumbsup:

Incidentally, I was just complaining to myself last night that when its dark you can't see the synchro-throttle lever. I bet you don't have that problem now!
   / Lx4100 rear light #8  
Haha nope. I can see everything now. I have them on separate switches, so I can turn on the front or rear independently, and they also shut off with the ignition.
   / Lx4100 rear light #9  
that is a major improvement,i got to get working on my rear lights as well.........
   / Lx4100 rear light
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Nice, I use mine in a lit lot so I don't need tons of light like that but its nice to have a rearward facing light. I mounted a 8" wide LED bar right where the SMV triangle use to go, shines right down on the 3pt area and general rearward area. Looks factory.

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