Mahindra 6000/Case Jx65/MF471

   / Mahindra 6000/Case Jx65/MF471 #1  


New member
May 29, 2006
I've been trying to figure out what tractor to buy for a couple of months and I cant seem ti make my mind up on which to buy. I have used dads old David Brown 990 for a couple of years and a Case 1190 to do all the work around the farm and it's time to buy a new tractor but what? I like the new Mahindras but owners either love em' or hate em' . . . . I like MF's but my dad for some reason doesnt like them? (reasons for chosing the 471 is because I need more then 45pto the 451 has and the 461 I have priced are higher then the 471) and I have to admit I'm a BIG Case fan but I dunno if they are really worth the money as the Jx65 has been the Higher priced of the 3. Any help would be greatly appreciated because I cant make my mind up . ..
   / Mahindra 6000/Case Jx65/MF471 #2  
Choices, Choices, Choices, huh. Last year I enjoyed the same dilemna. Finally ended up with a Mahindra 6000. No regrets yet, but I'm a rather lightweight tractor user. I like operating the 6000 better than my old MF165. Can't say I like it better than an MF471. Bottom line is that I was considering the Mahindra based on recommendation of other users and happened upon a 2 year-old with low hours at a good price. Just what I needed. My take is that all 3 tractors you are considering are good tractors. Personal preference, how the ergonomics of operation & features work for you, and, definitely not least, reputation/capability of the dealer should factor in along with distance to dealership. All balanced with price of course

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