massey 50hx battery replacement?

   / massey 50hx battery replacement? #1  


Bronze Member
Aug 1, 2000
northwest pa
massy 35 diesel
need new batteries, can't find anything on this machine! or can i just throw any battery in it?
   / massey 50hx battery replacement? #2  
Measure what's in it now, note the terminal positions, and CCA.
Compare your dimensions to a BCI table, or just match up at a retailer.
   / massey 50hx battery replacement?
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i would, but some slimeball stole it!
   / massey 50hx battery replacement?
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all i can find is cca 340.
   / massey 50hx battery replacement? #5  
RjC laid it out above.
If this is beyond your mechanical ability you should probably just stop by the dealer and ask them what to buy.
It's really as straightforward as he described, and only a little bit more complicated than adding fuel to the machine.
It's usually a good decision to get as big (cca) a battery that will physically fit IN the tractor and work with the factory "tie down" or securement set up.
   / massey 50hx battery replacement? #6  
FYI CCA of 340 is not much. Measure the battery tray since you don't have a reference. NAPA, AutoZone, Batteries Plus, and the local dealer would be helpful I'm sure. You would probably be best served by replacing the cables and cleaning up the ground at the same time. Good luck.
   / massey 50hx battery replacement? #8  
Used group 24 batteries two of them

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