May get a new chipper

   / May get a new chipper #91  
MY WC-68 is stored outdoors.......The bottom shipping frame was used as a skid to set the chipper up off the ground.
MikeView attachment 685507 003.JPG001.JPG
   / May get a new chipper #92  
The table and skid were good practical ideas. Nice.
   / May get a new chipper
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My control arm was too easily popping into neutral when shredding with chipper downhill, e.g. weight of arm then makes it easier to pop into neutral. I followed their instructions to tighten up the action via a 6 mm allen screw locked via a 22 mm nut at the bottom of the hydraulic stuff. Turned it 1/2 turn tighter. Got to finally use it a tad this afternoon before the rains came again and determined the action is too stiff now. Will back off 1/4 turn. Someone else on the Facebook WM site mentioned that he ran his 1/4 turn tighter than factory setting. Got a reply back from WM tech service, and they say 1/4 to 1/2 turn is generally "it". The factory setting gives almost seamless action among reverse-neutral-forward. The 1/2 turn made that action quite noticeable.

   / May get a new chipper
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The table and skid were good practical ideas. Nice.

Got it on the dolly now. Should have had them weld another metal piece or two across the hole in that bottom structure. In shipment, they had a couple upward pieces of metal to keep the unit from slipping into the hole, but these are not consistent with use of it as a dolly; had the welder cut them off. I'll get a piece of plywood and a couple pieces of 1 by to screw to and put plywood over the hole.

   / May get a new chipper #95  
My control arm was too easily popping into neutral when shredding with chipper downhill, e.g. weight of arm then makes it easier to pop into neutral. I followed their instructions to tighten up the action via a 6 mm allen screw locked via a 22 mm nut at the bottom of the hydraulic stuff. Turned it 1/2 turn tighter. Got to finally use it a tad this afternoon before the rains came again and determined the action is too stiff now. Will back off 1/4 turn. Someone else on the Facebook WM site mentioned that he ran his 1/4 turn tighter than factory setting. Got a reply back from WM tech service, and they say 1/4 to 1/2 turn is generally "it". The factory setting gives almost seamless action among reverse-neutral-forward. The 1/2 turn made that action quite noticeable.

I turned mine in a 1/4 turn also, worked much better!
   / May get a new chipper #96  
Finally got a good gap without snow so had a chance to mount the WC88 and tomorrow will give it a functional check in the woods. With 60 hp at the PTO it should not have any problem.


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   / May get a new chipper
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Nice machine for your big tractor. The WC46's 510# weight is very noticeable on the slope behind the house. The 2025R would not be safe with a bigger machine.

I bought a 4x4 piece of 15/32" plywood and cut it to fit into the dolly. Covers the whole inside part and that hole.


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