My control arm was too easily popping into neutral when shredding with
chipper downhill, e.g. weight of arm then makes it easier to pop into neutral. I followed their instructions to tighten up the action via a 6 mm allen screw locked via a 22 mm nut at the bottom of the hydraulic stuff. Turned it 1/2 turn tighter. Got to finally use it a tad this afternoon before the rains came again and determined the action is too stiff now. Will back off 1/4 turn. Someone else on the Facebook WM site mentioned that he ran his 1/4 turn tighter than factory setting. Got a reply back from WM tech service, and they say 1/4 to 1/2 turn is generally "it". The factory setting gives almost seamless action among reverse-neutral-forward. The 1/2 turn made that action quite noticeable.