MF203 owners

   / MF203 owners #1  


Elite Member
Sep 15, 2006
Frederick maryland
Kubota M7040, MF 203 industrial, ZD331, RTV 1100 , Kubota Minix excavator, Unimog 404
Have an old MF203 industrial model with FEL. Are there other MF203 owners out there? Seems to be a model that there are very few of?
   / MF203 owners #2  
I've got a 1968 MF 2135 industrial model with a 200 loader.
   / MF203 owners #3  
I have a 202 industrial with a 200 loader
   / MF203 owners #4  
I have a 1966 MF 2135 w/200 loader and 185 backhoe
   / MF203 owners #5  
yep got one. had about a year. strong tractor.bought to use on farm and was going to sell when all projects were finished. changed my mind about selling. finding too many uses for it. too much fun to play with.
   / MF203 owners #6  
Hiya I am new to the forum, joined today.

I have a 2203 Industrial, which I believe is the same as the 203??

Don't know the year though, but suspect it's 60's.

Not 100% original but pretty complete and running. Also Ex British Army version.


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