My 3625 cx diary

   / My 3625 cx diary #1  


New member
Sep 25, 2024
2017 Branson 3625C
As I have got so much useful information and tips from this message board, I would like to give something back and share my tractor story. It s also an opportunity to keep all my questions and solutions in one place.

I work as a welder /(sheet) metal fabricator and run my own small workshop on my property where buildings are almost 100 years old and there is always something to build-repair-improve-maintain, then some kind of machine is really needed. I had an old, partially home-made tractor with FEL that I got from my relative about 15 years ago. It was a great help but this machine had so many small problems and issues, it was out of service half of the time and when the clutch went out I gave it up and got rid of it.

Since then I have missed some kind of loader but somehow managed without it, hired someone to do the work, rented small loaders or had a chance to use some friends equipment- small kubotas with loader, bigger tractors with FEL and heavy-duty telehandlers. As you see, some kind of loader or lifting device is a must, a tractor without it is pretty much useless to me.
I have searched around for some machine once in a while but nothing has really got my attention, of course money is also an issue cause all building and home-projects take as much as you can earn..:)

Then one day, June 2023 I was visiting a customer and just before I was leaving he showed me to roll down my window and said: "Hey, You live in the countryside, dont you need a tractor?".....
I was like " what tractor, do you have one?".

We went to his backyard where I have never been and there it was... 2017 Branson 3625cx with a front end loader! Sat there all dirty, dusty and with not enough air in tires.


He bought it brand new in 2017 to maintain his huge property and start building solar-farm etc but then got some health issues and these projects stalled. Since then he has used the tractor only a few times. It had 46 hours on the clock and he said there already was 22 when he bought it cause it was a dealers demo-tractor. Anyway, this thing was new, always stored under the roof. Smelled like new inside, no dents, rust, anything, only some bird-boop and lots of dust.


His wife has told him two years to get rid of that "old red thing" so she can park her car on that place and dont have to look some iron-junk every day...:)
As it has really no use he finally agreed.

I was pretty shocked as you can imagine. It took him some minutes to find the keys...and it fired right up. I tested all the functions very briefly, everything seemed fine. My heart has already made the decision... just the one I have been looking for: right size, in top shape, basically new, loader with bucket...
But I didnt know the price and I heard the name Branson for the first time.

Price he was asking was a steal.... less than half the price of the new... and small tandem-axle dump trailer and decent flail mower are included in the deal. Both brand new, never used, the mower was still strapped to the pallet. He didnt want to sell anything separately, only the full package. He had not put up any ad jet, was kind enough to give me a week to think and decide.

I did lot of research, also here in TBN, planned my finances and as you already know, bought it!
One odd thing for me was that the VIN of the tractor was 000001, same on the engine an cab. Is it really the first 25 series or what...?

Couple of days later one of my friends had to deliver some machine to the same area where the tractor was located, with his work-truck and on the way back, we picked up the Branson.


To be continued...
   / My 3625 cx diary
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At home I gave the Branson a proper wash and cleaning day and it revealed its "true beauty".:)
It really was like brand new machine, even under the hood and axles. Inside the cab there was still the smell of fresh plastic...luckily different from chinese stuff.

Only rear fenders, witch are plastic are little dull. Its because the plastic itself is red not painted and over the time its just dries-out or something. They will go worse in time, but I plan to paint these someday. Some plactic-filler coat should be put on and then high quality automotive paint. Same with roof but its in better shape and does not stand out so much.



Anyway, I spent some time discovering it, testing functions and getting to know it. Didnt want to use or test much as the oil were all factory, 6 years old.

Its a 3 cylinder, 36 hp, no-turbo, no dpf engine, little underpowered I can say today but hopefully reliable and bullet-proof in long term. They dont even offer engine that small for 25 series now. Last summer I got to try 4 cylinder 62 hp turbo-engine on new 25 series and it was whole different story.
But 36 hp is enough for me as I dont plan to use much pto, drive on public roads with trailer and do heavy agricultural work. Mainly loader work on my property.

Its a gear-driven, not hydrostatic. Again, would prefer hydro when doing loader work but IMO gear-drive is stronger and more reliable-repairable. They even dont offer 25 series in our country with hydro, not then not now.

I would really preferred no-cab tractor for easier access into my sheds and workshop, also driving under the trees. Easier to hop on and off also.
But on the other hand, cab tractor is heavier, more quiet, heatable in winter and operating area stays more clean.
I dont have AC but again, I dont have to do long hours in the middle of hot summer day. Doors are easily removable if needed and vent system gives you enough air movement. It really heats up nicely in winter as I know for now.

2 rear remotes and self-leveling front loader witch is great for pallet forks and man-basket but not-so-good for bucket work as there is too much play in the arms and you can not get the nice tight feel of the bucket while doing some precise work. But will get to use to it after some time I think. Loader has EURO style quick-attach, so you can use many-many different attachments.
There should be bit more tilt-angle in the system, they have improved it on newer models where loader arms are slightly angled at the ends, tilt cylinders are longer and geometry has changed a bit. But it works fine also on older machines.


As you see, there are some really-skinny ag-tires, specially in front. It was clear from the beginning that these must go. They tear up gravel, grass and dirt and operating a loader is quite unstable. Tractor is very narrow with these tires and when turning out with loader lifted it feels very unsafe, specially on bumpy ground. And lets be honest, they also look silly and "weak":)

Some weeks later I managed to get all new fluids and filters and did the 50 hour service. It was easy, biggest problem was to find a bucket big and low enough to drain hydraulic oil:)
After that, more serious work could begun as I have just started some foundation work on my new future workshop.

   / My 3625 cx diary
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I sold the dump trailer that came with tractor because I needed money for my other projects and I didnt really have any good use for it. It was too small for the Branson and maybe a bit too light-duty to haul dirt piles or abuse it too much.

The buyer needed it for his 6x6 ATV, its more suitable there. But I plan to find or build new trailer in the future, something bigger, more robust and versatile.

I kept the flail-mower though... just to use it as rear ballast as long as I find something better there. I don´t have use for that kind of mower also and cant see point just collecting implements to sit and rust.
The mower weights 470 kg or a bit over 1000 lbs and it was enough ballast to use full potential of the loader. I`m a bit worried about front axle, so I`m very careful when moving heavier items or digging to aggressive. Basically the mower was hanging there all the summer and it made the tractor quite stable.

One big questions for me while buying the tractor was that can it lift 1 ton big-bag off the trailer. So far I have used rented equipment, engine crane, hoist and a tree limb, dragging it down and other creative solutions.
Then was the big moment.... I hooked it straight to QA as I didn´t have forks yet and.... no problems, it went right up and I could carry it where needed. Don´t need to do this very often, maybe twice a year.

That´s a 1 ton dry mortar-mix hanging on the loader.


The mower was too big in dimensions to use as a ballast and there was no other use for it, so I had a plan to make something more suitable and versatile to replace it. Had a good experience from my old tractor that carried a light dozer blade at 3 point.
So I managed to buy something more heavy... and also pallet forks as you can see. These are lightest I could find, 5500 lbs capacity so most probably I can never hurt them.

   / My 3625 cx diary
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In spring 2024 I sold the mower to local guy who was kind enough to let me use it as a ballast until he really needs it. So I had to hurry the rear blade build.

The one I bought was in pretty good shape, usually they are bent, repaired, welded, rusted etc.
I cut 4 inches off both ends to make it same width as tractor so where the tractor fits the blade also goes and vice-versa. While manouvering near buildings and objects, too much stick-out in any direction is better to be avoided.

AS you can see the blade is mostly hollow inside, only some reinforcements and three cast-iron extra weights, about 100 pounds each.

After some planning and testing I ordered some laser-cut parts from 12mm (almost 1/2 inch steel plate. New bottom plate, new ends, new connecting points, some reinfocements. I didn` need to be that thick of material but I just wanted weight and beefiness. Lots and lots of welding and grinding later I had a pretty nice piece which then was lifted upside direction and..... filled with scrap-iron and concrete.


I built it outside not to disturb my day-job in workshop and to move and lift it with tractor. It was heavier after each day.

IMO its guite pointless to use only concrete weight as rear ballast. There is nothing else you can use it for, but with that kind of heavy blade you are always ready to push dirt/gravel/objects when doing loader work. Its main purpose is still additional weight behind rear axle to reduce weight on front one. Liquid-filled rear tyres are not known here and they only add weight to tractor but does not save front axle.
The blade is close to the tractor and with future hydraulic toplink it can be adjusted easily depending on your needs.

For easier hooking I used CAT 1 ball between two machined cones that are always attached to blade. My Branson has euro-style 3 pt connectors, so I open the upper lock piece and just lift the arms till the cones center the arms and the ball locks in place. Takes only couple of minutes to hook it. I didnt want to use any other quick-hitch cause it will need some adapter that increases the distance between tractor and implement and so on...
   / My 3625 cx diary #5  
Been enjoying your thread lately. You have a great tractor there. Great job on the blade/counter weight. Should be very very handy.
   / My 3625 cx diary #6  
Kind of interesting.. We don't see many 25 series on this side of the pond... The self leveling loader is a pretty nice feature! And the euro-style 3 pt connectors are a nice bonus as well.

I have to admit that dump trailer actually looked really useful hah. I don't know if I could've parted with that one.
   / My 3625 cx diary #7  
You really did get a basically brand new tractor, that's one hell of a deal. Where are you posting from, if I might ask?
   / My 3625 cx diary
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I`m from Estonia, small country in North-East Europe.
The trailer indeed was nice but too small for 25 series, more like sub-compact size. When needed I use my single -axle car trailer to transport leaves, brush, etc.
Just one picture to compare the size. Photo taken when I brought it home, mower in dump-trailer. I believe the trailer was about 4x8 foot or 1,2x2,4 m

I have one single-axle tractor dump-trailer in sight. We`ll see in spring what about that.
   / My 3625 cx diary
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Before the rear blade was finished, some other significant improvements were made on Branson. Money from the mower-sale was well spent and new set of wheels and tires were ordered.
Local TYM dealer made the best price and already mounted tires were sent.
I chose R4 tires cause 90% I drive on hard surface, use mainly front loader and I really like the look of that big chunky rubber.
When you compare new front with the old one you understand...

New wheels were bolt-on, but new front ones had a bigger center hole. I didnt want it to be only on bolts and machines spacer rings for it.

Before it was a skinny guy

And after, muscular grown-up man...:)

The tractor got some 50 extra horsepower just with the looks and its also good for my mental health, cause now every time I see it, I`m filled with joy and happiness..:):)

Is sold old wheels and tires to my friend who has much smaller Yanmar with same size tires. His were quite worn out and he needed new ones anyhow.
Must say the tractor feels much more stable and safe with these tires, footprint in bigger, width grew significantly and specially the front end feels safer when operating loader.
I can now drive on my lawn if needed, with old ones there was some serious damage specially by the front ones when turning.
WIN-WIN from my point of view

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